What's your average day of CF?

He is mine.
Turn on PC. >Game Booster.
Turn on CF. Log in. Screen Freezes. I can only click Exit. That takeks about 5 tries until I actually log in.
Then sometimes when I exit, nGuard does't turn off for somereason and when i start CF I get a message that it's allready runnun which takes my to INternet Exploer which loads for ages and then asks me if i wanna upgrade. I say no coz i dont use it then exit and try again until i get on CF.

Then if i join a pub there is a 1/5 chance i will get kikced.
3/5 chance i will get acused or someone will say a bad word to me being a hardman online.
1/10 chance i will lag out.
1/15 chance I will DC.
3/5 chance a clan war will say Server is Full. That even happened when we tried to scrim in Delta.
I have never recently played the 2nd part of a scrim since it allways says Server is Full.

Does anyone have better experience in CF?
