lol strat

I was bored, shush. I stylized certain things to make it easier to find/tell them apart. Anything that is tabbed in is an option of the last one that had a lower tab value.

Basic Rules.

A planted bomb is worth 1 “point” to BL

Each player alive is worth 1 “point.”

If a bomb site is under BL control, it is worth .5 “points” to BL. Bombsites cannot stack.

If you are 2 points down, then play defensively/play picks.

If you are 1 unit down, continue with the play.

If you have equal points, play as the strat normally requires.

If you are 2 points up, play aggressively when pushing or responding to a push.


<Sniper> pick MID from barrier, 4 <sprays> push mid. Get a (pick) at CAT, then 3 push GR SPAWN while 1 pushes CAT. Sniper rotates to LONG A after the CAT pick. !Bomb! planted for Long A and a spray rotates to LONG A with <Sniper>

[IF SNIPER DEATH FROM LONG A THEN] 3 sprays rotate to B through GR SPAWN, 1 <spray> stays hidden on CAT watching MID through a window.

[IF SPRAYER DEATH FROM B BRIDGE BEFORE PUSH THEN] <Sniper> rotate from BL SPAWN to LONG B for a (pick). 3 <sprays> push into GR SPAWN. 1 <spray> stays in X{ninja} position at GR SPAWN and watching push through mid doors and from A. 2 <sprays> rotate into B and clear it before planting the !Bomb!.
~[IF SNIPER GETS KILLED AND 2 GR AT B LONG THEN] 2 <sprays> take defensive angles in BOX ROOM/B SITE for a LONG B push. 1 <spray> plays a defensive angle closer to B SITE, still watching for a push from A or MID DOORS to GR SPAWN.
~[IF SNIPER GETS KILLED AND 1 GR AT B LONG THEN] 2 <sprays> play an aggressive attack towards B LONG from B SITE.
~~[IF GR AT B LONG IS KILLED THEN] 1 <spray> stays at B LONG playing defensively on RAMP. 1 <spray> rotates to B SITE and plays @calls
~~[IF GR AT B LONG KILLS 1 SPRAY THEN] 1 <spray> plays X{ninja} position in B SITE. 1 <spray> rotates from GR SPAWN and plays Y{ninja} position in B SITE.
~[IF SNIPER KILLS 1/1 OR 2/2 GR AT B LONG THEN] <Sniper> plays at BL SPAWN RAMP watching flank from spawn. 1 <spray> plays B LONG WATER RAMP watching for push from mid. 1 <spray> plays inside B WINDOW ROOM defensively. 1 <spray> plays B DOORS defensively.
~[IF SNIPER KILLS 1/2 GR AT B LONG THEN] <Sniper> continues to pick. 2 <sprays> push from B SITE to B LONG to kill remaining GR.
~~[IF 1 SPRAY IS KILLED AT B LONG THEN] <Spray> plays defensive angle at BOXROOM. 1 <spray> plays defensive angle in B SITE watching doors and window. <Sniper> watches B LONG from BL RAMP for any action or pushing into BOXROOM.
~~[IF 2 SPRAYS ARE KILLED AT B LONG THEN] <Sniper watches B LONG from BL SPAWN RAMP. 1 <spray> plays X{ninja} position in B SITE.
~~[IF GR IS KILLED THEN] <Sniper> plays at BL SPAWN RAMP watching flank from spawn. 1 <spray> plays B LONG WATER RAMP watching for push from mid. 1 <spray> plays inside B WINDOW ROOM defensively. 1 <spray> plays B DOORS defensively.
~[IF 3+ GR ARE AT B LONG AND SNIPER DIES THEN] 1 <spray> rotates to A SITE through WINDOW. 2<sprays> rotate to A SITE from UNDER BRIDGE.
~~[IF 1 GR CAT AND 1 GR LONG A THEN] 2 <sprays> push LONG A while hugging the right wall. 1 <spray> plays behind 3 stack while watching CAT.
~~~[IF ANY GR ARE KILLED AND 3 SPRAYS SURVIVE THEN] Plant !Bomb!. 2 <sprays> set up defensive positions covering general direction of MID (CAT, UNDER BRIDGE). 1 <spray> plays X{defensive} position LONG A. Play calls
~~[IF 2 GR AT LONG A THEN] 3 <sprays> push long A.
~~~[IF ANY GR ARE KILLED AND 3 SPRAYS SURVIVE THEN] Plant !Bomb!. 2 <sprays> set up defensive positions covering general direction of MID (CAT, UNDER BRIDGE). 1 <spray> plays X{defensive} position LONG A. Play calls

[IF 2 SPRAYER DEATH AND X GR KILLS FROM GR SPAWN AND CAT THEN] 2 <sprays> push B SITE from GR SPAWN. <Sniper> clears B LONG and pushes B LONG to ramp. 2 <sprays> clear B SITE and plant !Bomb!. 1 <spray> plays back of B watching B DOORS. 1 <spray> plays X{ninja} position in B SITE. <Sniper plays defensive B LONG WATER RAMP watching MID and the FLANK.
