Owner-Z for GameModerator applications.

hello before i start to say things about me and my experiens with players i would like tell something about me first, well i'm almost 15 years old play CrossFire like 5hours a day and like to help new/people that dont know what todo/dont know how something works all that kind of things.

ok now the in-game experiens(top 4qeustions to me).

5:why i cant get a kill?(ANSWER:cause you'r in the ALPFA SERVER that is for sergeant and higher so if i was you i tryed the ROOKIE SERVER first.)

4:how i can go to the other team?(ANSWER:just click on the picture above to get in or click on a empty space in that team.)

3:how i can get ZP?(ANSWER:you can get ZP from using you'r creditcard mobile or other options and if you dont want to pay for it but still want some **** to spend you can do EARNFREEZP at the homepage.)

2:how i can be invissible and still moving at G.M(ANSWER:you need to hold the S key and the CTRL key at the same time and press SPACE with it.)

and i wont abuse my powers and dont kick/ban/whatever to something to them cause i know we are trying to grow this Game with many player if i ban/kick or whatever do to them they will quit most of the time and then we lose players i dont want that, i want my GameModerator Powers to keep peace in CrossFire and help lots of players.

This was Owner-Z for In-Game GameModerator Applications.

(P.s my in-game name is Owner-Z if you need help just ask me :D ).


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