How to use Growler.

What is Growler?
Growler Guncam is a game recorder and screen capture tool that allows users to create video from games and other programs. Guncam can turn this video into AVI files, animated GIF files, and even JPEG screen shots.

What does Growler mean in Crossfire
When someone ask's you for a growler it usually means that the person on the other side of the screen thinks your cheating. So they ask you for a growler so they can see what you "see".

How do i get Growler?

. Go to and download the file.

2. Run the program and install it.

3. After your done installing it open growler guncam. There will not be a icon on your desktop so you will have to go to Start > All programs > Growler software > launch growler guncam.

4. You will get a pop-up telling you your using the trial version. Don't worry keep continuing.

5. Go to setup > Trigger options and choose your key. Make sure you use a key that you dont use ingame.

6. Go to Setup > Capture Setup and use everything in this picture

7. Go to Setup > Sound Setup and UN-check "Record Sound"

And your done, just minimize growler guncam and press your trigger key ingame and you should see a green square in the left hand corner of your screen!

Q: Will i lag?
A: Most likely you wont if you followed this tutorial

Need help still ? : Xfire me : stagmar1
