Advanced Weapons and others

I've been looking at the advanced ZP weapons lately, and I was wondering if it was worth it, or I could just get the normal version, is it worth it? And i've been hearing quite alot about weapons with scopes and so on, are the scoped weapons worth GP or ZP, because Zp is really gettting on my nerves. One more question, whats an easy tactic for a newb like me, spray and pray, sniping, or aiming carefully and awarefully?


  • ZP weapons only have slight bonuses compared to their GP counterparts. For example, The M4 Adv has 5 more bullets and is silenced, other than that its exactly the same as the normal M4. If you have the money to get it then i say go ahead, but you should practice with the normal versions first, i've seen alot of people with the ZP weapons but suck terribly, like they thought getting them would make them better.

    As for tips, i say make multiple accounts buying and trying different guns and go play TD games to practice with it, once you think your good enough go try S&D. If you found a gun that you really like then stick with that account or start over and make a new account and save up for that gun. On this game i've gone through 10+ accounts til i made 1 final account. On this account i have Awm, Deagle, Scar Light, Mp5 Adv, and M4 Adv.
  • Regular M4 is better than M4Adv. M4C is pretty good, easy recoil pattern.
    Mp5 Adv. it is some better than regular.
    Normal AWM and AWM Camo are the same, just 5 extra bullets the camo version.
    Common Ak 47 and Ak 47 Camo r the same. Golden Ak, i think its ROF is a bit higher. Ak scope is a fail xD.
    Kriss is a weapon that should be considered illegar. Too much powerful and works in long range too.
  • The GP version is a life investment, while the ZP version is not.

    If your a ZP *****, then I recommend getting the ZP weapons. If your not a *****, then the intelligent answer would be to get the GP (Last forever)