so much ego in this game.



  • May God Have Mercy - you cry over CF go play CSS or ***n AVA CF aint too great just get over it i have 240 ping and i dont even flame BAHAHA

    i love you paay
    and for Dren you were going crazy at the fact i kept picking you sub base while i was in h1n1 tohugh you guys won you still began to sht talk its funny you flame others but i mean look at your self you baddie. this is how you clutch
  • Treni wrote: »
    This game is the best, people make various threads about people cheating, rage on the forums when they get offended, how i love the CF community.
    P.S I am the best kthnx.

    You must be bullied hard in life if you think people "raging" on internets is entertainment. Actually, you can't differ what rage is about since your english comprehension isn't quite there. Which is odd considering your british..

    Treni your full of mysteries!
  • kilou2K wrote: »
    You must be bullied hard in life if you think people "raging" on internets is entertainment. Actually, you can't differ what rage is about since your english comprehension isn't quite there. Which is odd considering your british..

    Treni your full of mysteries!

    I got bullied for being so gorgeous, i must admit i am quite the hunk.
    Want to see my cobwebbed underlays?
  • Treni wrote: »
    I got bullied for being so gorgeous, i must admit i am quite the hunk.
    Want to see my cobwebbed underlays?

    Poop on them Oliver!
  • Us3rK wrote: »
    Poop on them Oliver!

    You're the one with OLD BOY Winston in your sig ;).
  • Treni wrote: »
    You're the one with OLD BOY Winston in your sig ;).

    Cares much, he is my idol, behind you <3
  • Smashed? Not to mention we played defense on black widow twice and no one really cared. Yes, we got smashed.

    Didn't you aimbot back in the day? ;O Yes, be quiet you ***ing 14 years old virgin.
  • Treni wrote: »
    I got bullied for being so gorgeous, i must admit i am quite the hunk.
    Want to see my cobwebbed underlays?

    I love you Treni.
  • Anybody who thinks trash talking in a scrim is a good thing, or performs it, is a ****ing idiot.

    All trash talking does is remove any respect for the other team, any mutual respect as players and human beings. Anybody who trash talks is an immature ******** who needs to learn how to respect people for playing the ****ing game.

    You get better fastest by playing people who are much more skilled then you. Why the hell would a lower level team want to play a high level team with complete jerks on it? All you do is ruin any up coming team's experience, and just take this competitive communities level doewn a notch.

    Trash talkers, get the **** out of my game, or I'll grind your ****ing kittens.
  • Hi,

    It's not just this game. This kind of stuff goes on in every game, especially the fps's.

    Funny thing occured the other night. Someone was doing the typical clan recruiting in game and about 5 minutes later this person started insulting some of the people having an off game. Now this is a clan I would want to join....not.

    There was a time I too had the big head gaming ego. Now it's just a game. I'm still very competitive. Making ace is awesome, having my tail handed to me on a silver platter is a lesson in humility.

    Sportsmanship is far to forgotten in online gaming.

  • Anybody who thinks trash talking in a scrim is a good thing, or performs it, is a ****ing idiot.

    All trash talking does is remove any respect for the other team, any mutual respect as players and human beings. Anybody who trash talks is an immature ******** who needs to learn how to respect people for playing the ****ing game.

    You get better fastest by playing people who are much more skilled then you. Why the hell would a lower level team want to play a high level team with complete jerks on it? All you do is ruin any up coming team's experience, and just take this competitive communities level doewn a notch.

    Trash talkers, get the **** out of my game, or I'll grind your ****ing kittens.

    Me btw .
  • Anybody who thinks trash talking in a scrim is a good thing, or performs it, is a ****ing idiot.

    All trash talking does is remove any respect for the other team, any mutual respect as players and human beings. Anybody who trash talks is an immature ******** who needs to learn how to respect people for playing the ****ing game.

    You get better fastest by playing people who are much more skilled then you. Why the hell would a lower level team want to play a high level team with complete jerks on it? All you do is ruin any up coming team's experience, and just take this competitive communities level doewn a notch.

    Trash talkers, get the **** out of my game, or I'll grind your ****ing kittens.

    Kid urmad get a grip.
    @Oath: Staight up hearts yo.
  • Treni wrote: »
    Kid urmad get a grip.
    @Oath: Staight up hearts yo.

    I'm not even going to bother. Nothing good or productive ever comes from talking with you.
  • Denxi wrote: »
    I'm not even going to bother. Nothing good or productive ever comes from talking with you.

    I thought we we're the "point the dumb kids out" team :(.
  • Treni wrote: »
    I thought we we're the "point the dumb kids out" team :(.

    Your point is?

    I call out people who think they're something they aren't, or who make and stick with incorrect logical reasoning. That has nothing to do with trash talking a fellow competitive player.

    If you have any desire to see the competitive scene in this game grow, you should stop trash talking other clans who're worse than you.

    That "you" being everyone.
  • Treni wrote: »
    I thought we we're the "point the dumb kids out" team :(.

  • Denxi wrote: »
    Your point is?

    I call out people who think they're something they aren't, or who make and stick with incorrect logical reasoning. That has nothing to do with trash talking a fellow competitive player.

    If you have any desire to see the competitive scene in this game grow, you should stop trash talking other clans who're worse than you.

    That "you" being everyone.

    K now you're really mad.
    How can you talk aboit competitive gameplay, yet you glitch almost every pug.
    Sit down you ennoying little kid.
  • moar liek da troll team
    treni wrote: »
    k now you're really mad.
    How can you talk aboit competitive gameplay, yet you glitch almost every pug.
    Sit down you ennoying little kid.

  • envsN wrote: »
    your a fail troll. :)

    and youre a useless forumer ;)
  • Treni wrote: »
    K now you're really mad.
    How can you talk aboit competitive gameplay, yet you glitch almost every pug.
    Sit down you ennoying little kid.

    PUGs aren't competitive, and I rarely glitch in them.

    I played 3 euro PUGs, glitched in the first one because the majority of people didn't really care.

    I've played an INSANE amount of NA PUGs, and only glitched in a maximum of 8, and all because nobody really cared.

    The during the WOGL draft I was banned at, my entire team was using Uzis and M9s. The glitching I did was just to add to the ****s and giggles.

    If I am playing in a TRUELY competitive scrim, with any good team, in a 5v5, then I won't glitch. If it degenerates to a 4v5, then I may glitch, but again, only because nobody cares. Even then, I don't usually do it.

    If you care about winning a 5v4, your logic is flaaaaaawed.
  • Denxi wrote: »
    I call out people who think they're something they aren't, or who make and stick with incorrect logical reasoning.

    I'm a 50-foot dinosaur.
    Call me out. :)
  • trash talking is only annoying if you let it be. it's to get in your head.

    anyone played BrosForLife? lol
  • iOath wrote: »
    I'm a 50-foot dinosaur.
    Call me out. :)

    Your logic is sound.

    Gratz on being able to type, 50 foot dino.
  • Denxi wrote: »
    Your logic is sound.

    Gratz on being able to type, 50 foot dino.

    Oh come on now!
    You were supposed to point out that my arms would be more-than-likely too short to reach the keyboard based on my height.
    And that my dino fingers would be too large for the tiny keys of the keyboard.
    What I said was completely illogical! :(

    Btw, this is for all the huge-ego'd players of CF.

    Just so I can stay on topic! ;)
  • iOath wrote: »
    Oh come on now!
    You were supposed to point out that my arms would be more-than-likely too short to reach the keyboard based on my height.
    And that my dino fingers would be too large for the tiny keys of the keyboard.
    What I said was completely illogical! :(

    No. T-Rexasauruses break all logical boundries.
  • Denxi wrote: »
    No. T-Rexasauruses break all logical boundries.

    That's what i'm saying..
    I'm so tall that I break the logical boundaries.
    Therefore making them illogical.
    It's completely logical. :)
  • Anybody who thinks trash talking in a scrim is a good thing, or performs it, is a ****ing idiot.

    All trash talking does is remove any respect for the other team, any mutual respect as players and human beings. Anybody who trash talks is an immature ******** who needs to learn how to respect people for playing the ****ing game.

    You get better fastest by playing people who are much more skilled then you. Why the hell would a lower level team want to play a high level team with complete jerks on it? All you do is ruin any up coming team's experience, and just take this competitive communities level doewn a notch.

    Trash talkers, get the **** out of my game, or I'll grind your ****ing kittens.

    I think trash talk gives scrims more meaning because you're forced to backup the sht you talk. It also creates rivalries between clans, thus making this game more fun.

    People also need to understand this is a videogame not a sport. If you think it's a sport than I suggest you start working on losing your virginity.

    I'm not saying that everyone should talk sht, but a few rivalries here and there keep this game entertaining.

    And I get the whole sportsmanship thing, but lets save that for wogl.
  • iOath wrote: »
    That's what i'm saying..
    I'm so tall that I break the logical boundaries.
    Therefore making them illogical.
    It's completely logical. :)

    lolwut? I'm confused :confused:
  • SparkitUp wrote: »
    I think trash talk gives scrims more meaning because you're forced to backup the sht you talk. It also creates rivalries between clans, thus making this game more fun.

    People also need to understand this is a videogame not a sport. If you think it's a sport than I suggest you start working on losing your virginity.

    I'm not saying that everyone should talk sht, but a few rivalries here and there keep this game entertaining.

    And I get the whole sportsmanship thing, but lets save that for wogl.

    I agree with that. But only when there are enough clans to warrant that. Which IMO there aren't atm.

    And believe it or not, you CAN have rivalries without trash talk =\
  • lolwut? I'm confused :confused:

    It's simple logic.
    You see, I'm a 50-foot dino. right?
    Well, Denxi was sayin that us "T-Rexasauruses" break all logical boundaries.
    Which in a sense is true.
    Think about it.
    We're so tall.
    We can't fit within the logical boundaries and so if we're placed inside of them, we break them.
    Which makes us illogical.
    It's first grade stuff really.
    Just like Wumbo.