Ghost Mode
I was never good at making introductions so i'll get right to it if you dont mind.
Global Risk's misson on Ghost Mode is too stop Black List from destorying the targets.
As Global Risk you will have full acess to all your weapons and be visable.
Black Lists misson on Ghost Mode is to destory the targets with the bomb
As Black List you'll be cloaked and that will make you insivable to Global Risk
And you wont be able to use your weapons only the knife,axe or shovel.
[size=+4]GLOBAL RISK[/size]
Now as Global risk you can use sound to your advantage.
you can hear the ghosts breathe and their footsteps if you set your sound right you can pin point their breathing.
This is for those who dont know how to pin point breathing.
First you need a headset and a good sound card is advised ( i use on board and im doing rather well with that)
Secondly you need to set your sound to surround sound, you do this by doing
Start>control panel>Sounds and audio devices>click the advanced button on speaker settings ( its on the first tab you get at the bottom right ) and pick surround sound speakers.
Now thirdly you have to go in game and go to play GM turn your volume up abit, make sure you have your headset plugged in and everything, now when you hear the breathing it should be in the left/right ear depending on where the ghost is.
Now you move your mouse around till the breathing centers( is in both ears )
and the ghost should be infront of you, sometimes they can be above or below you
Its also wise to camp places that are hard to get to, so you can wait for the ghost to run past or try and kill you and you can go ahead and kill them with ease.
Also turning your gamma i think it is too 100 will help you see the ghosts better.
Ghosts appear in light and in smoke.
spraying common places will help too, you'll get to know the common places as you play Ghost Mode more.
[size=+4]BLACK LIST[/size]
Now as Black List many people are under the illusion you are fully invisable at all times and cannot be heard let alone fount by breathing.
First off your breathing is your give away, people with the right sound set up will hear you and kill you within seconds.
secondly your not totally invisable, when you run your visable, and when you stop you will flash for 2 seconds which can be a give away to any one on Global Risk.
Thirdly footsteps, if someone hears footsteps and looks at their map to see that no one from their team is near them, they are likely to camp in a corner or just wait till you come running past, mostly its best to run but sometimes walking it best option.
Bunnyhop is a way to move with out being seen though it is hard to do and will take a while to get use to, the way i do it is i press back then instantly press jump while pressing down on crouch and walk. it sounds hard but once you get use to it, it'll become easy.
Breathing down from the item mall is for GP and its worth it trust me.
I think thats about it, and remember people can buy armour and breathing down.
axes/shovels help a hell of alot in Ghost Mode
If i think of stuff ive missed i'll add it in.
So no more QQing when you die in Ghost Mode lol ^.^
Global Risk's misson on Ghost Mode is too stop Black List from destorying the targets.
As Global Risk you will have full acess to all your weapons and be visable.
Black Lists misson on Ghost Mode is to destory the targets with the bomb
As Black List you'll be cloaked and that will make you insivable to Global Risk
And you wont be able to use your weapons only the knife,axe or shovel.
[size=+4]GLOBAL RISK[/size]
Now as Global risk you can use sound to your advantage.
you can hear the ghosts breathe and their footsteps if you set your sound right you can pin point their breathing.
This is for those who dont know how to pin point breathing.
First you need a headset and a good sound card is advised ( i use on board and im doing rather well with that)
Secondly you need to set your sound to surround sound, you do this by doing
Start>control panel>Sounds and audio devices>click the advanced button on speaker settings ( its on the first tab you get at the bottom right ) and pick surround sound speakers.
Now thirdly you have to go in game and go to play GM turn your volume up abit, make sure you have your headset plugged in and everything, now when you hear the breathing it should be in the left/right ear depending on where the ghost is.
Now you move your mouse around till the breathing centers( is in both ears )
and the ghost should be infront of you, sometimes they can be above or below you
Its also wise to camp places that are hard to get to, so you can wait for the ghost to run past or try and kill you and you can go ahead and kill them with ease.
Also turning your gamma i think it is too 100 will help you see the ghosts better.
Ghosts appear in light and in smoke.
spraying common places will help too, you'll get to know the common places as you play Ghost Mode more.
[size=+4]BLACK LIST[/size]
Now as Black List many people are under the illusion you are fully invisable at all times and cannot be heard let alone fount by breathing.
First off your breathing is your give away, people with the right sound set up will hear you and kill you within seconds.
secondly your not totally invisable, when you run your visable, and when you stop you will flash for 2 seconds which can be a give away to any one on Global Risk.
Thirdly footsteps, if someone hears footsteps and looks at their map to see that no one from their team is near them, they are likely to camp in a corner or just wait till you come running past, mostly its best to run but sometimes walking it best option.
Bunnyhop is a way to move with out being seen though it is hard to do and will take a while to get use to, the way i do it is i press back then instantly press jump while pressing down on crouch and walk. it sounds hard but once you get use to it, it'll become easy.
Breathing down from the item mall is for GP and its worth it trust me.
I think thats about it, and remember people can buy armour and breathing down.
axes/shovels help a hell of alot in Ghost Mode
If i think of stuff ive missed i'll add it in.
So no more QQing when you die in Ghost Mode lol ^.^
SeaSp4rrow wrote: »lol, i saw that guy today getting hackuzed, it was too funny, man, according to what you wrote, been a good ghost a Z8Points b4st4rd? with all axes, shovels, armor and stuff
What guy? lol
And no lol, axes/shovels only help with one hitting to the body, knife is faster so if you miss you can quickly slash.
And armour helps everyonelol in any situation XD
Yeah lol, but ive had so many matches today XD
i got kicked out of all the gm's in one channel lol had to join another channel
thats about the same thing that hapenned to me today, both in EM and TDMi hate those newbs who call us hackers for no reason
SeaSp4rrow wrote: »thats about the same thing that hapenned to me today, both in EM and TDM
i hate those newbs who call us hackers for no reason
Lol yeah it suckswe need to teach em a lesson D
FocusShift wrote: »Oh...lawl.
I did not even think of that. I thought you had a fail moment. Apparently I am the failure.
Yeah you faillol
id have something for GR:
Dont spray and hope for luck, your mates want to hear the ghosts.
(Of course, if you have located a ghost, SPRAY, but not just hoping that there is a ghost.
or use a silenced weapon
until there is a silenced RPK, i refuse to do so. here is a real pro tip:
the second you hear a footstep, SHOOT EVERYWHERE, HOLD DOWN YOUR MOUSE. NOW DO A 360! after this trick is used, you will win everygame
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