How to Lower Your Lag
You can see that one day ago, I have been posting in Forum to look for CrossFire port numbers.
Since no one reply my post, so I got unpack CrossFire my self, and of course, I found the port # and here I'm going to share with you guys.
Note: This solution will only work for those who have routers.
1. Open up your router main menu. (Linksys, NetGear, w/e)
2. Go to Port Fowarding Tab
3. Create Custom Service or something else...
4. Name : CrossFire or w/e
Service Type: Both TCP/UDP
Starting Port:13000
Ending Port: 13010
Service IP address: or or and so on until you have one that is available.
Since my ping is originally 45 something, so my ping only went down a little to 34, at least it is better than nothing!
Since no one reply my post, so I got unpack CrossFire my self, and of course, I found the port # and here I'm going to share with you guys.
Note: This solution will only work for those who have routers.
1. Open up your router main menu. (Linksys, NetGear, w/e)
2. Go to Port Fowarding Tab
3. Create Custom Service or something else...
4. Name : CrossFire or w/e
Service Type: Both TCP/UDP
Starting Port:13000
Ending Port: 13010
Service IP address: or or and so on until you have one that is available.
Since my ping is originally 45 something, so my ping only went down a little to 34, at least it is better than nothing!
Awesome and let me expand on this too. This can also half your ping too.
1) Hit windows key + r and then type regedit in Windows ‘Run’
2) Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ and then select the folder under Interfaces with your IP address or router information on it.(It should be the folder with the most entries in it)
3) Right click in right hand panel and click add new DWORD value named “TcpAckFrequency” in the folder from step 2,right click the entry then click modify and assign a value of 1 hex. Do this again with DWORD entry “”TCPNoDelay” with a value of 1 hex in the same folder.
4) XP USERS: Start > Settings > Control Panel then Add/Remove Programs, Windows Components on the left bar, scroll down and check the entry Message Queuing and click next. VISTA USERS: go to Control panel, uninstall a program, then turn windows features on or off. Check MSMQ Server and its subordinates.
5) Restart your computer.
6) Windows key + r, regedit
7)Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters and right click on righthand panel and add new DWORD value TCPNoDelay, right click entry and assign a modifier of 1. Close registry, restart your computer!
If for some reason you want to change your system back to normal, modify all those earlier registries’ hexidecimal to 2, which turns them off. If this didn’t work for you then recheck that you did everything exactly correct. Enjoy! -
Awesome and let me expand on this too. This can also half your ping too.
1) Hit windows key + r and then type regedit in Windows ‘Run’
2) Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ and then select the folder under Interfaces with your IP address or router information on it.(It should be the folder with the most entries in it)
3) Right click in right hand panel and click add new DWORD value named “TcpAckFrequency” in the folder from step 2,right click the entry then click modify and assign a value of 1 hex. Do this again with DWORD entry “”TCPNoDelay” with a value of 1 hex in the same folder.
4) XP USERS: Start > Settings > Control Panel then Add/Remove Programs, Windows Components on the left bar, scroll down and check the entry Message Queuing and click next. VISTA USERS: go to Control panel, uninstall a program, then turn windows features on or off. Check MSMQ Server and its subordinates.
5) Restart your computer.
6) Windows key + r, regedit
7)Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters and right click on righthand panel and add new DWORD value TCPNoDelay, right click entry and assign a modifier of 1. Close registry, restart your computer!
If for some reason you want to change your system back to normal, modify all those earlier registries’ hexidecimal to 2, which turns them off. If this didn’t work for you then recheck that you did everything exactly correct. Enjoy!
Yes, I know that way of lower your ping, it works for any FPS games. -
You can see that one day ago, I have been posting in Forum to look for CrossFire port numbers.
Since no one reply my post, so I got unpack CrossFire my self, and of course, I found the port # and here I'm going to share with you guys.
Note: This solution will only work for those who have routers.
1. Open up your router main menu. (Linksys, NetGear, w/e)
2. Go to Port Fowarding Tab
3. Create Custom Service or something else...
4. Name : CrossFire or w/e
Service Type: Both TCP/UDP
Starting Port:13000
Ending Port: 13010
Service IP address: or or and so on until you have one that is available.
Since my ping is originally 45 something, so my ping only went down a little to 34, at least it is better than nothing! -
4) XP USERS: Start > Settings > Control Panel then Add/Remove Programs, Windows Components on the left bar, scroll down and check the entry Message Queuing and click next. VISTA USERS: go to Control panel, uninstall a program, then turn windows features on or off. Check MSMQ Server and its subordinates.
When I get to this step I dont have an option for message queing. I am on a wireless connection if that helps you any way. -
on my port forwading i have Public Port and Private Port
should i put 13000-13010 in both?
and also what should the name of the application be: Crossfire, CrossFire or CF
doesnt matter what the name is, thats just to remind u of what its there for.
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