No more needs for QQ and Rage and Flame on SCAR-L



  • OnlySolus wrote: »
    I feel that SCAR-Light players are finaly decreasing and are also getting easier to beat (or maybe I am just getting better idk) but now a new problem is on the horizon the M4A1 Advanced it POWNS, so everybody start QQ, Rage and Flame it ASAP ;)
    Let me start: The 35 rounds + Silencer + Feel (the recoil, accuracy and power and stuff) are to damn good Z8 NERF THIS GUN :D

    (above post must not be taken seriously and you are 3, 2, 1 NOW allowed to give the creator of this Thread free ZP so he can get a M4A1 Advanced to pown harder)

    PS. Keep calling those jerks of SCAR-Light users what ever you call them and keep hating them whe need the SCAR-L to totaly vanish from Crossfire people .. and if you actualy like SCAR-L then I have this message for you: GTFU! :)

    IMO wait a second if all this above stuff has been said then the titel is still falls .. awh :(


    Meh whatever...

    Owh what do you think are 3 most noobiest weapons in Crossfire this is my list:

    1.SCAR-Light, Reason: Way to easy to use only good to pick up and use against actual users ^_^
    2.Kriss V Super, Reason: Its like the MP5 with Extra rounds and some features of the SCAR-L (exept that I find it laking any use at longer distances) so yeah thats why its second for me.
    3.Thompson, Reason: Just click left mouse button the magazine makes even aiming unnessary...

    Oi and if your wondering I had SCAR-L for like 30 days and Kriss V Super and Thompson permanent on another account so yeah I do know what I'm talking about here even though its just my personal opinion but thats why I am asking you to put up your list of top 3 noobiest weapons ;)

    IMO the two biggest noob guns in the game are the winchester and the m9. If I see either in a match I pack up and leave. You just can't stand against the ownage...
  • ak47 beats SL in every aspect >.> spraying with an ak isnt that hard either
  • The m4a1 advance to me is not overpowered. I find that it's a bit hard to use, to control the recoil well at long range takes some time.