SlipWolf's AWP guide
Very nice guide. Quite Extensive and insightful.
Oh and about your who to shoot first section... I always go for the SPOP or the guy with a golden weapon first becuase they are more experienced than the others.
But yes very nice.
Haha. I wouldn't call SPOPers more experienced. I'd call them noob tanks :P. -
Very nice guide. Quite Extensive and insightful.
Oh and about your who to shoot first section... I always go for the SPOP or the guy with a golden weapon first becuase they are more experienced than the others.
But yes very nice.
Wow, that made no sense at all. -
***Jamil*** wrote: »That was one of the most BEAUTIFUL guides on sniping EVER made.
I tryNo offense good work but sniping is for me much easier i dont follow any rules and pwn lol. only rule for me is quickswitch
This guide was not meant to set ground rules, but as a strategy guide.
I want to say a special thanks to everyone that has given me props on the guide.. on the forums, in game, and out of game. The responses and compliments have been coming since this came out, and I want to say thank you to all. -
Hey everyone! I haven't seen a good sniper guide in a long time so I figured I'd share some tricks of the trade for those trying to learn the art.
First I'm going to say that I am very aware that you don't get the awp till Staff Sarge 1, however, you are still able to pick up the and use it to your hearts desire... which is normally till you die, run out of ammo, or the round ends.
Coming from an extensive Counter-Strike background I'm going to talk on the S/D game mode (which is DE in CS) and the (Team)Deathmatch portion of the game.-Search and Destroy-
When you are playing S/D there are NO respawns. Every shot must count. There are normally no second chances when you miss. You miss you have to change your position on the area you are covering. There is no alterantive method other than standing your ground, which can and (or) normally lead to massive nade stack.
Remember cats, other than enemy snipers and that randy rifler; YOUR WORST ENEMY IS A WELL PLACED NADE OR TWO (or five)
Another thing to remember is when you are the lead sniper for your team in clan matches/scrims/what have you. YOU ARE THE EQUIVALENT OF THE QUATER BACK Wether you are picking mid or not yo uhave one of the most important roles in the match. Most teams live and die on there sniper. You are ALWAYS expected to do great. You are always expected to make good calls and have very quick reactions. A half a second is the difference between a kill and a death.
Like I said earlier, you have to KEEP MOVING. When you are spotted and lets say you make a kill the person dead is going to call out where exactly you are, and the other team will try and peak/flash/smoke you. If you move they could looking in the wrong spot or wasting valuable flashbangs and smokes leaving themselves open to increase your body count.
BE PREPARED. I can't stress this enough. When there is one.. there are normally 2, 3, 4 more right behind him. You always want to be ready for that push or ninja attempt , or that random person. You never want to let the other team give the upper hand.
YOU WILL MISS. As good as a sniper you may be now or may think you are. You will miss shots. What really seperates the men from the boys is how you recover. If you panic, you will die. It's all about RECOVERY. How fast you recover is how fast you will get your next shot off. You have to really put the "OMG I MISSED, WT.F" thing out of mind. It will happen, just shrug it off and get the next shot off.
Excellent question!
Remember, COMMUNICATION IS KEY always make calls wether you are the sniper or not. If you are playing mid you should be calling out if they are pushing mid or you saw them cross to (X) site.
As far as who to shoot first.
If they saw you/know where you are.
-The first person who stepped out/Enemy sniper
- The person with the nade in their hand (remember if they drop the nade it will cause damage to his/hers teammates.
- Snipers choice.
If they didn't see you WAIT AND SEE IF YOU CAN GET A "LINE UP"
A line up is when multiple people are in line with each other. One awp shot can kill multiple people. Remember that. Not only will you make it easier for a cross fire and easier to wipe out multiple people.. they make great highlight reel clips (haha)
If there is no line up take out
- Bomb planter/person who might have seen you
- Closest person
- Person with nade in hand OR Enemy sniper
- Rest of the team.
Remember that these are my personal kill orders. What works for you is what you should go with.-DEATHMATCH MODES-
These modes should be considered your practice. There never is a such thing as too much practice. I've seen many of Counter-Strike matches (and been apart of) that turn into sniper shoot-outs. Meaning, the game rides on the main snipers for the two teams. Because again, the sniper makes the difference.
I see a lot of people that say you should always practice with m700 (or scout in CS), but I couldn't disagree more. You should get familiar with the weapon you are going to be using.
The main differences between the awp and the m700 are..
- Weight while running with the gun out.
- Accuracy while moving!
- Power (the obvious one)
- Clip size
So I suggest using the gun you are going to use all of the time because sometimes the transistion can be a little painful.
I personally think the best map to practice on is Egypt.
Again, a great question!
What makes it so great is yes it is sort of closed in but it alows sniping down the alleys AND it has the platforms.
The reason I preffer this map is how fast you have to be when people are running through the alleys from one side to the other (as in when they are on there own side running between their spawn zones or platform to platform).
Another good point is other snipers making their rounds. See what they do.. not to long obviously because you want to kill them before they kill you but see what they do and note their mistakes. Most DON'T keep moving. They come out, they stand or crouch in the alley and wait. Well if you know how to keep moving and make quick peaks and quick shots, those snipers are EASY kills. I normally average 60 - 80 kills with about 4 - 15 deaths realistically in a 12min game.
I was getting there, lol. The constant amount of nades thrown during an Egypt match is absolutely perfect. Because Egypt is sort of small people can almost launch nades from one side of the map to the other.. which is great pracitce for seeing different "splash damages", how hard nades hit, how to dodge, and see the hit radius of the nade.-Controls-
When ever I read questions (if they are being directed towards me or not) I always see
"What sens is perfect?"
The only good answer to that is, what ever you are comfortable with. I know of a few really good snipers that use very fast zoom sensitivity and such, and I know snipers like really slow.
4 Windows speed, 4 game sens, 8 zoom sens.
Quick snoping is a talent learned over time. The best way to learn how to do this is by memorizing where the center of your screen is by remembering where your cross hair resides when you have your pistol or something out. The best for that is Type C cross hair, in my opinion.
Using the old dot trick or tape trick is just flat out lazy. Learning lazy techniques makes for a lazy teammate.
The more you learn, the better the player you become, the more you become respected, the more you'll play.-In conclusion-
I would like to thank everyone who read my guide. I would like to promise a video from me as well.. but with certain time constraints I can't promise one.. but I can try to put something out.. soon.
Just remember these few things and your skill should start to improve with the more you practice. Feel free to drop me a line via xfire, friends list adds, and thread posts.
People requesting a sticky is always welcomed.
Again, thank you again and happy fragging.
Boring, But can help alot of people. Gj. -
hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha
haha thank you very much.
I preffer AWP as its called in CS. However, in the info about in the gun in CS it is also AWM.. but the term AWP kinda stuck to the gun instead of AWM. It's just force of habit :P
lol its not awp tho this is crossfire so stop talking about cs!nice guide tho
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