First of all, I don't know what Z8 Network's intention is, if you ARE actually thinking of getting some new games for us to play, if you are not, if money/time doesn't allow and all these. No, I don't know any of these. But still, I present to you an MMORPG game which I've played in the past on multiple servers and enjoyed very much:

*drum rolls* TAA-DAA

MU Online

It's been developed by a korean gaming company known as WebZen in the fall of 2003... yeah, pretty old. But fear not, for it has been constantly updated with new "seasons".

The game is divided in seasons, each offering something new. For example, the earlier versions like 0.97 only had three classes: the Dark Knight, the Dark Wizard and Fairy Elf. Up to Season 5, three new classes have been added: Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord and Summoner. Not to mention countless items and several quests.

Generally the pro-players prefer servers from 0.97d to season 3 episode 1. New players and casual players prefer servers from season 2 to season 5.

A little about the game now: It has a great variety of items, classes are not particularly balanced, the Dark Knight and Dark Lord being regarded as best in PvP, whereas the Dark Wizard and Fairy Elf being best at buffing. Items can be upgraded up to +13 (+15 in season 5) by using Jewels. Also, items can be of 2 types: regular, and excellent. Excellent items drop extremely rarely and are usually gained from Box of Kundun crates (which on normal servers can only be bought from an in-game shop only GMs have acces to, and are generally used as rewards for events hosted by the above GMs). Excellent items can have a number of different bonus options, and items that have all of them are called Full Option. They too can be upgraded up to +13. Bonus options include: reflect damage, damage decrease, defense succes rate (for armor items), excellent damage rate, increase damage/level, additional damage (for weapons).
Maximum level is 400. After that, players log onto the website and reset to level 1. Then level up, thus gaining more character points. Normally, characters gain 5 or 7 (depending on the class) points per level. Now consider that max. stats is 32.767 or 65.534 (depending on server configuration) in every category, and there are 4 general categories whereas the Dark Lord has 5. Thus until they become full stats players see who is better by comparing number of resets.
Quests are very few, making the gameplay simple. First quest can be started at level 150 and if its two parts are completed, your character will evolve into a level 2 character, thus being able to wear better armors and wield better weapons. (not available for Magic Gladiator and Dark Lord) Then at level 220 there's an optional quest which if completed makes you gain more stat points per level. And finally at level 380+ you can undergo the quest to evolve into a level 3 character, available for all clases. (this one is significantly harder)

As for making fun, new experiences... From what I've heard, it's very easy to configure mob spots, mob drops, mob stats, item stats, character starting stats and since season 4 I've heard it's possible to code in custom items.

It's a pretty old game, but new seasons made it even more fun and I hope you'll consider adding it to the Z8 Games repertoire. It features a webshop where you use credits (earned by donation or events, on some servers by voting) to buy items to your liking. It is also featured in many MMO tops, most important of which being xtremetop100

Assuming you accept this, I will provide whatever further information is needed.
