DO NOT allow people to pick up guns
This has been really bugging me. Obviously because im taking time to suggest this on the forums.
Heres my suggestion.
DO NOT allow people to pick up guns in any battles except elimination. Im tired of buying ZP so that if I do die (rarely happens) some one can just pick up my gun. Why would they buy ZP when they know they can just go into a game and use some one elses?
Im not sure if any one agrees but ive seen many many players get angry because of this and I understand.
Heres my suggestion.
DO NOT allow people to pick up guns in any battles except elimination. Im tired of buying ZP so that if I do die (rarely happens) some one can just pick up my gun. Why would they buy ZP when they know they can just go into a game and use some one elses?
Im not sure if any one agrees but ive seen many many players get angry because of this and I understand.
This has been really bugging me. Obviously because im taking time to suggest this on the forums.
Heres my suggestion.
DO NOT allow people to pick up guns in any battles except elimination. Im tired of buying ZP so that if I do die (rarely happens) some one can just pick up my gun. Why would they buy ZP when they know they can just go into a game and use some one elses?
Im not sure if any one agrees but ive seen many many players get angry because of this and I understand.
Z8FAILS says Hm... You got a point there, but this is a FREE game. We don't care about what you think! all we want is your money now build a bridge and get over it. -
This has been really bugging me. Obviously because im taking time to suggest this on the forums.
Heres my suggestion.
DO NOT allow people to pick up guns in any battles except elimination. Im tired of buying ZP so that if I do die (rarely happens) some one can just pick up my gun. Why would they buy ZP when they know they can just go into a game and use some one elses?
Im not sure if any one agrees but ive seen many many players get angry because of this and I understand.
It's a god damn virtual peice of S**t get over it, do you think i mind when people pick up my AUG A1 CAMO (which i doubt you have), no i dont, i dont even mind trading it with some guy with an mp5, I also doubt that You "Rarely Die" or you wouldn't be complaining would you -
This has been really bugging me. Obviously because im taking time to suggest this on the forums.
Heres my suggestion.
DO NOT allow people to pick up guns in any battles except elimination. Im tired of buying ZP so that if I do die (rarely happens) some one can just pick up my gun. Why would they buy ZP when they know they can just go into a game and use some one elses?
Im not sure if any one agrees but ive seen many many players get angry because of this and I understand.YES!! when i have my M4A1 Custom ppl fight over it . its ridiculous we SHOULD have no ppl picking up guns
These are the kind of ppl i like to pwn with their own guns xD -
YES!! when i have my M4A1 Custom ppl fight over it . its ridiculous we SHOULD have no ppl picking up guns
Here's why you're an idjit.
They're fighting over your gun? AWESOME! That means they've just become easy targets! Shoot them while they're busy trying to snag your gun. More than likely to M16 noobs are sitting there, throwing their guns, trying to snag that thing up. Easy targets!
You guys who are complaining have yet to use a gun as bait, that's pretty obvious. When you hit the game where you play snipers only on Monaco, and you've got that one M700 kid who keeps running up to grab an AWM that's laying there...There's nothing better than waiting until they've gotten to it to pick it up, then drop them. Restart the clock for the gun to dissappear. Runs up again, gets AWM, *snipe* Runs up again, Gets AWM, *snipe* Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Again, if you people have your panties in a knot over guns being picked up, there's something VERY wrong with you. I'd suggest going out and finding an FPS that doesn't allow guns to be picked'll be looking for a while... -
abrickwall2 wrote: »lmao @ shouldn't run out of ammo, just like apparently you shouldn't like this quote FTW
AHAHAHAHAHAH....If you're not running out of ammo, you're not working hard enough, which proves you're just a lame-duck gunner on the team.
But you die before that ever happens, I'd wager. -
This has been really bugging me. Obviously because im taking time to suggest this on the forums.
Heres my suggestion.
DO NOT allow people to pick up guns in any battles except elimination. Im tired of buying ZP so that if I do die (rarely happens) some one can just pick up my gun. Why would they buy ZP when they know they can just go into a game and use some one elses?
Im not sure if any one agrees but ive seen many many players get angry because of this and I understand. -
Good point guys who agree. And those of you who don't you guys are the little noobs who run around bugging people for guns.
Most of us are the guys who HAVE the guns people are bugging for. That's specifically why we're laughing at you. Who cares if they pick up the gun? I'm going to shoot them no matter WHAT gun they're using.
Further more, I also like when my own teammates pick up my guns after I die. Obviously they needed it, or felt they could use a better weapon! With luck, they go out and pown some more QQ noobs with my gun, while I use my fresh just-respawned gun to kill the other QQ noobs.
By the way..."Good point guys who agree?" You mean the "yeah totaleez man i agree" posts? Not sure what that point /is/, exactly, that they are making, but... -
Im looking for a small pro scrim clan. That is active, mature, and skilled.
Must have a vent, and no ******ed kids.
Saying that, i am....
19 yearsold
Going college in feb.
1.9 kdr
1.7 scrim kdr
Respectful and Mature
Pervious clan- The finest, i left because they died.
Add me on Xfire and we will go from there. if you dont have xfire reply to this thread
oh my god, not another one saying the same dam thing again X_X
Just Let Them Try It
SUGGESTION: try not to die so much eh?
C'mon, i mean DON'T YOU want to try out those ZP guns? IF YOU don't have any? Beside why do you have to be mad at for? You're already dead. And when you are in the next round you'll get your gun back and they'll have their regular gun back. -
not every one are rich to buy ZP and other things so they take them from the ground , others after a fight remains with 0 bullets what should they do ? kill with the knife ? of course they pick up a gun from the ground and continues fighting , get over it man or just quit
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