PLS fix these bugs
if ur using mc av
if your using AVG (FTW)
1. click tools then advanced settings
2. go down the list on the left and look for "Resident Shield"
3. click "Directory Excludes" then "Add Path"
4. find your cf folder and click ok
5. click apply then ok and your all done
thats so you dont have to disable AVG to play then re-enable it after playing it -
awsome0dude wrote: »if ur using mc av
if your using AVG (FTW)
1. click tools then advanced settings
2. go down the list on the left and look for "Resident Shield"
3. click "Directory Excludes" then "Add Path"
4. find your cf folder and click ok
5. click apply then ok and your all done
thats so you dont have to disable AVG to play then re-enable it after playing it
STFU your just spamming the forums with the same thing. -
awsome0dude wrote: »if ur using mc av
if your using AVG (FTW)
1. click tools then advanced settings
2. go down the list on the left and look for "Resident Shield"
3. click "Directory Excludes" then "Add Path"
4. find your cf folder and click ok
5. click apply then ok and your all done
thats so you dont have to disable AVG to play then re-enable it after playing it
dude its not AVG im having a problem with. its just getting randomly d/c -
We are patching to fix some of the client crashing that has been going on.
While we expect this to fix the majority of the errors there will still be some errors that occur. Once we patch we will monitor the situation and look to continue to fix and improve the game.
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