Starting a team/clan for the GM Tourny.

Hi guys, this is *[N1NJ4]-, formerly *[dL]Mickey, but I assume you all know how to read signatures.

Now I'm looking to start a GM team for the March of Ghosts tournament, and possibly build a clan out of that success or downfall. I currently only have me at the moment, and possibly a few friends. I still need to talk to them.
Now, just message me in game, or add me on X-Fire. again, check the signature for the xfire.

I have a vent server, and I can hold my own on both BL and GR.
Players that join must have Headphones and know how to pinpoint for GR and also how to bhop perfectly for BL, including 4th gen.

My KDR in ghost mode pubs is 3.0 on my second account, which I recently made.
Only used M16 as BL and Knife as GR.
To see it, see this account made purely for Ghost Mode.
