How to send same message many times?
Can you be a little more specific?
From what I can think of, I believe you're talking about people saying the same things in-game quickly?
Like this :
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
Like that?
If so, go to your settings after you log in [the wrench icon, I believe] and under one of the tabs you can program a macro. You press a button according to that macro [F5-F9, I believe] and you can say the same thing quickly over and over [although you will be blockchatted]. -
platapierule wrote: »Go in-game. Press ESC, options. Community tab, then look at bottom of mini menu. F5, F6, F7, and F8 are all there. Type in a message I.E. OMFG H@CKERRRR F11! Press save button. go in game. Press buttons. Voila.Can you be a little more specific?
From what I can think of, I believe you're talking about people saying the same things in-game quickly?
Like this :
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
*** : Press F11 for free donuts etc
Like that?
If so, go to your settings after you log in [the wrench icon, I believe] and under one of the tabs you can program a macro. You press a button according to that macro [F5-F9, I believe] and you can say the same thing quickly over and over [although you will be blockchatted].
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