Clan Defeat was Stolen by GermanStylez

So today we seen the Clan Germanstylz on Rank 35. Yesterday they was on Rank 250. I searched a little bit and asked some Firends in Crossfire what happend. Now a Member who joined my Clan about a few days Ago, told me that he was in the Clan Defeat befor and knows what happend. The Leader *Red_Dragon* from Germanstylz wanted a Fusion with Defeat. *Red_Dragon * found out how the Loggin is from the leader, *Red_Dragon* Kicked all of the Members from Defeat, Changed the name of the Clan into Germanstylz and invited all of his members in the new clan. So Cf rules say that it is not allowed and it is Against all Rules. To buye accounts or Clans Is not allowed .

So what will happen now ? Is it possible that the get Reseted ?

Pls Answer someone
