Patch Downloading
One of my clan members "Mudii" has had a problem with downloading the latest patches.
To resolve the problem for the large mutation mode patch, I manually downloaded it myself, then sent it to him via xfire. There was no problem with this, it worked fine.
However now the new UK server patch is out, he has the same problem again, whereby he downloads until 99% then recieves an error message saying "Unable to download patch file".
Can we get a manual patch for the new UK server one too? If not, please can you advise what to do next(considering we have already tried the re-download, re-install, run-as-admin tactics).
To resolve the problem for the large mutation mode patch, I manually downloaded it myself, then sent it to him via xfire. There was no problem with this, it worked fine.
However now the new UK server patch is out, he has the same problem again, whereby he downloads until 99% then recieves an error message saying "Unable to download patch file".
Can we get a manual patch for the new UK server one too? If not, please can you advise what to do next(considering we have already tried the re-download, re-install, run-as-admin tactics).
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