Guide to improving your FPS/Ping v2. (For XP)
Guide to improving your FPS v2
Well, one day, I looked up on Google "Tweak XP for Gaming", and I found some pretty interesting results. I'm not going to write them up again, as that's a waste of time. These all of have to do with editing your registry, so proceed with caution. The majority of these will fine tune your RAM, and it's suggested that you have over 256MB of RAM, before proceeding.
My personal experience, after applying these tweaks, was I gained about 40 FPS.
So, the first guide, made by Red Chaos
It's a step-by-step guide to editing your registry.
Guide #2, by Molsan
Almost same as above, but easier to follow.
Finally, Guide #3
This guide is supposedly supposed to help improve your ping. I tried it, and didn't notice a difference (But of course I already had 40 ping). It's gotten some pretty good reviews.
Also update your video card (I can help with that), and read Part 1:
And that's all folks.
The End.
Well, one day, I looked up on Google "Tweak XP for Gaming", and I found some pretty interesting results. I'm not going to write them up again, as that's a waste of time. These all of have to do with editing your registry, so proceed with caution. The majority of these will fine tune your RAM, and it's suggested that you have over 256MB of RAM, before proceeding.
My personal experience, after applying these tweaks, was I gained about 40 FPS.
So, the first guide, made by Red Chaos
It's a step-by-step guide to editing your registry.
Guide #2, by Molsan
Almost same as above, but easier to follow.
Finally, Guide #3
“1 - TcpAckFrequency - NOTE if you are running Windows Vista this setting may not have any effect - a hotfix is needed which i’m tracking down. This works fine under Windows XP
Type “regedit” in windows “run..” dialog to bring up registry menu
Then find:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\
There will be multiple NIC interfaces listed in there, find the one you use to connect to the internet, there will be several interfaces listed (they have long names like {7DBA6DCA-FFE8-4002-A28F-4D2B57AE8383}. Click each one, the right one will have lots of settings in it and you will see your machines IP address listed there somewhere. Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TcpAckFrequency, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.
You can change it back to 2 (default) at a later stage if it affects your other TCP application performance. it tells windows how many TCP packets to wait before sending ACK. if the value is 1, windows will send ACK every time it receives a TCP package.
2 - TCPNoDelay
This one is pretty simple (Discussed here)
Type “regedit” in windows “run..” dialog to bring up registry menu
Then find:
Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TCPNoDelay, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.
Click Ok and close the registry editor, then reboot your PC.”
Basically, this fix is deactivating the Nagle algorithm to improve your ping.
This guide is supposedly supposed to help improve your ping. I tried it, and didn't notice a difference (But of course I already had 40 ping). It's gotten some pretty good reviews.
Also update your video card (I can help with that), and read Part 1:
And that's all folks.
The End.
Did everything that 2nd guide told me, after severall games i noticed no FPS increase, however i installed and used TuneUP utilities before, and it did a major part of what the 2nd guide sugested, now im tryin with the first one, once again ill post my feedback here.
OzoneFire1 wrote: »Did everything that 2nd guide told me, after severall games i noticed no FPS increase, however i installed and used TuneUP utilities before, and it did a major part of what the 2nd guide sugested, now im tryin with the first one, once again ill post my feedback here.
You have to restart your PC -
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