Another Ping Post - What's a good avg?

Sorry for what i guess must be a million posts on this subject, i would search for the answer i am looking for but the little verification box never shows a picture for me so i'm unable to actually search the forum...

I hear a lot of talk about high ping / low ping, but i'm not entirely sure what a 'reasonable' ping is.

Personally i'm UK based with a 10mb dl (9.4 mb from and a local ping of between 25-30 (graded A by

For the last 3 weeks i have had an average of between 100 -120 ping, which seemed to be pretty reasonable for playing the game - but yesterday this jumped to between 150 -170. Is there any reason why this might have happened, or anyone else (maybe UK based) notice a change like this?

I realise living in the UK i'm not going to be acheiving a 30-40 ping over here, but what is a decent ping to play the game? At what point do you jump to becoming a laggy player? I'm pretty cheesed off that my ping has jumped 50 points, but i can't see what on earth could have caused it - nothing's has changed at my end?!

Anyway - some feedback much appreciated.
