ESL-America Crossfire: Rules, ACS, & Sign Up News For 1on1 S&D Ladder



  • Merkin22 wrote: »
    you can use everything non zp or gp crates based except sl, what is wrong with that? it makes it more of an even playing field for the ppl who dont buy zp.

    That's not my fault. Buy zp then. The M4A1-Adv, AK-Camo, and AK-Silver can basically be bought by anyone with out zp crates.
  • SlipWolf wrote: »
    That's not my fault. Buy zp then. The M4A1-Adv, AK-Camo, and AK-Silver can basically be bought by anyone with out zp crates.

    som1 is mad
  • klone123 wrote: »
    som1 is mad

    Yes, I am.

    What I'm more mad about though is that they came out with a 1v1 ladder before 5v5. Who does that?? This is a TEAM game. North American gamers are looking for a league to play in and ESL finally comes to NA... but with a 1v1 league.

    That's like if the 3 wisemen brought Jesus gifts of Dog sh!t, a dead rabbit, and camel test.icles.

    COME ON. This isn't Quake. Release a 5v5 league.

    I'm aware WOGL's tournament has FINALLY ended, but I would expect ESL to want to have the bigger jump on them.. considering ESL is a bigger name.

    EDIT: No I'm not a bible thumper. Yes I am raged.

  • SlipWolf wrote: »
    Yes, I am.

    What I'm more mad about though is that they came out with a 1v1 ladder before 5v5. Who does that?? This is a TEAM game. North American gamers are looking for a league to play in and ESL finally comes to NA... but with a 1v1 league.

    That's like if the 3 wisemen brought Jesus gifts of Dog sh!t, a dead rabbit, and camel test.icles.

    COME ON. This isn't Quake. Release a 5v5 league.

    I'm aware WOGL's tournament has FINALLY ended, but I would expect ESL to want to have the bigger jump on them.. considering ESL is a bigger name.

    EDIT: No I'm not a bible thumper. Yes I am raged.


    ESL is undergoing many issues. They can't set up a league without the proper staff and resources. Without these they are in a sort of "limbo" state were they can't really do much. Given some time they can get an amazing league going, until then they need to put in a lot of extra work before starting a official league.

    I'm not going to quote any discussions I have had with G2Wolf, but considering this community and from my past experience, I can see why they have so many troubles running a league for CF.


    ESL is a big name in European countries.
  • loneB wrote: »
    ESL is undergoing many issues. They can't set up a league without the proper staff and resources. Without these they are in a sort of "limbo" state were they can't really do much. Given some time they can get an amazing league going, until then they need to put in a lot of extra work before starting a official league.

    I'm not going to quote any discussions I have had with G2Wolf, but considering this community and from my past experience, I can see why they have so many troubles running a league for CF.


    ESL is a big name in European countries.

    I understand that, but don't just give us a 1v1 ladder and say here ya go.

    And yes I'm aware, thats why I said ESL finally coming to NA. I'm very aware of how big ESL is to EU (It is (was) the CAL of NA). Being that big, I would expect something bigger. Am I wrong for that?
  • SlipWolf wrote: »
    I understand that, but don't just give us a 1v1 ladder and say here ya go.

    And yes I'm aware, thats why I said ESL finally coming to NA. I'm very aware of how big ESL is to EU (It is (was) the CAL of NA). Being that big, I would expect something bigger. Am I wrong for that?

    I'll update you, as you have no idea what ESL-America is going through right now. They released their 1v1 LADDER not league to bring interest, and spark the name around. They are waiting on the new anti-cheat client to come out, which the dev's are holding onto now. Once they have done this, they will start releasing 5v5 tournament / season. Be patient. You have WOGL & maybe CAGL.
  • huGdruG wrote: »
    I'll update you, as you have no idea what ESL-America is going through right now. They released their 1v1 LADDER not league to bring interest, and spark the name around. They are waiting on the new anti-cheat client to come out, which the dev's are holding onto now. Once they have done this, they will start releasing 5v5 tournament / season. Be patient. You have WOGL & maybe CAGL.


    Now we just the play the waiting game as usual.
  • huGdruG wrote: »
    I'll update you, as you have no idea what ESL-America is going through right now. They released their 1v1 LADDER not league to bring interest, and spark the name around. They are waiting on the new anti-cheat client to come out, which the dev's are holding onto now. Once they have done this, they will start releasing 5v5 tournament / season. Be patient. You have WOGL & maybe CAGL.

    Ya.. it's just fustrating because I want to start playing some what seriously, instead of just scrimming random bads (and the occasional good team) if you know what I mean.