Crossfire on Apple Mac?

i want a mac computer,but i will not buy it if i cant play crossfire on it?!
so it is possible?

[again,sorry for my bad english -.-]


  • I dont think itll work on mac, system requirements doesnt say anything about mac, so im guessing its only for windows x.x
  • you'd have to reformat all the file types and codes which would take you a fair bit of time by yourself, umm it may come to the mac in time just not right now though, i dont even think chinese CF is for the mac either so i really dont know, you'd have to PM 1 of the mod's or GM's.

    mac's are good computers its just the lack of intrest from FPS games industry to actually make them for the mac also =/

    P.S even if you did change all the file types and gamecodes you'd still fail because you wouldnt be able to patch it lol good luck though.