Buy ZP and send as a Gift!
What's at the top of your holiday wish lists? Gift cards of course, which allow the recipient to choose their preferred items themselves. Z8Games has made it even easier! Now you can purchase ZP and send it to your friends instantly to their in-game accounts for them to spend on some great items in their favorite games.
How to use “Buy as Gift”
Your friend will receive the ZP after the purchase is made.
Note: This only works with prepaid cards!
Happy Gifting!
How to use “Buy as Gift”
- Simply login to your Z8Games account and click Deposit.
- Click on "Prepaid Card" tab and Select any prepaid card as your payment method
- Choose the amount of ZP you want to add and click on "Buy as Gift"
- Select the game and Enter your friend's IGN (In Game Name)
- Follow the instructions to complete your purchase.
Your friend will receive the ZP after the purchase is made.
Note: This only works with prepaid cards!
Happy Gifting!
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