GrammarNazi's (brief) Winchester Guide

Okay... here we go. I don't really know how you got your gun- it doesn't matter if you were trying to get it or if you wanted the Thompson, but got the Winchester instead. Anyway, here's my short guide to using this gun.

Close range, aim for the stomach- it's larger than the the head and takes more damage, and will normally result in a one shot kill.

Mid range, go for the head, or try for several gutshots.

Long range, don't even try. Stay out of your opponent's line of sight. If he sees you, run; either close the gap between you or run/ get behind cover.

When you first start using this gun, I recommend thinking of it as a knife with a long reach rather than a gun. It will help until you get your aim down. Scar L or K2 users might have a very hard time adjusting. Generally, you're pretty screwed if you miss the first shot from close range, but it used to be a lot worse before they buffed this gun- missing one shot would be an almost sure death.

The Winchester doesn't lose very much accuracy while strafing- use that to your advantage. Reload behind cover or if you're absolutely sure you're safe. The Winchester reloads like the XM or the Spas, except that clicking the trigger won't immediately shoot your gun; it will just stop the reloading.

General Overview
Just don't use this gun for long range. If you got this thinking it would be a sniper rifle, sorry. Keep your enemies close to you and move a lot. It's an excellent rush gun if used correctly. It has an extremely steep learning curve, so don't get discouraged if you see your K/D dropping. Once you master this gun, it will be easy to get amazing killstreaks. Have fun and good luck. -R
