AceDarkNight wrote: »i usually get mine by 12:00 noon(except today..i havent gotten the ones from yesterday yet)
when do u usually get urs?
same here but i got something better AN ERROR!now my dam radio messages dont work that means i cant spam them (XD)
If im not mistaken they have weekends off at z8 so it would make sense you dont have crates from friday or saturday, and possibly thursday.
Wait till tuesday or maybe even wedensday (fail spell) and if you dont have them send a pm to fallen or fill out a support ticket. -
If im not mistaken they have weekends off at z8 so it would make sense you dont have crates from friday or saturday, and possibly thursday.
Wait till tuesday or maybe even wedensday (fail spell) and if you dont have them send a pm to fallen or fill out a support ticket.
agreed!i think your right about z8 being off during the weekends.seems logical.
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