dem1ze = aimology i never left



  • Trenii wrote: »
    Can we play Mario on the 64?
    Mario kart or Super mario?
  • Trenii wrote: »
    Super mario sunnn, old school Geeeeeee.

    Game consisted of polygons instead of sprites, not as old school as you think.
  • Trenii wrote: »
    Nah, I'm far from a nerd. Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo were both released roughly around the same time, in 1990/1991, when I was 5. I've been around video games my whole life, so I'm more knowledgeable on them then most people. According to MyAWP1 though, I'm "prepubescent", which is funny because I was thinking the same thing.
  • So you're a street wise, hip and happening teenager?
  • Trenii wrote: »
    So you're a street wise, hip and happening teenager?

    I'm not a teenager. I'm 24. I've gone to college and I've paid my dues to society.
  • Segaaa wrote: »
    I'm not a teenager. I'm 24. I've gone to college and I've paid my dues to society.

    So your a war veteran with a platter of medals?
  • Trenii wrote: »
    So your a war veteran with a platter of medals?

    I would call getting a proper education in this dwindling economic situation "paying my dues," but don't forget, I did get that trophy on the other page.
  • MyAWP1 wrote: »
    warrock .

    Played Warrock for quite a while, and if I remember correctly, witch I do, the was no AWP in that game.

    The snipers were the Berret (50 cal), AW50F (50 cal.), the AI_AW (AWM, or AWP...), the m24 (like our m700), the SSG and the PSG (witch btw pwn's CF's PSG... lol).

    So yeah.... :/
  • Segaaa wrote: »
    I would call getting a proper education in this dwindling economic situation "paying my dues," but don't forget, I did get that trophy on the other page.

    Getting a proper education is common stuff, you don't pay your due to society just by going to school...

    You pay it witch what you learned in school to make the society progress.

    So if you're 24, you still have a lot to do to, wether it's in your job, getting a family, raising kids, helping others out, you have a ton of other things to do other then just having a couple of degrees, witch is nice btw, but yeah... :)

    And grats on your trophy's... :p
  • damn ok i was gone for only a day come back and theres like 10 pages? rofl you people are sad i didnt even read most of the sh1t that was in there but god dam, i only made a new name cuz i wanted a new rep and i dont talk sh1t anymore so if you wanna continue to flame me go ahead, i can care less my haters are my biggest fans thats why the name 'bio' is in all of your heads all day long if u goto work your like omg bios thread blah blah blah nobody ***in cares get a life and i can give a sh1t less about grammar online i got an A in english class sh1ts easy why do i fkn care, lol pz
  • let the dramma kid die, LET THE FKING DRAMMA KID DIE.
  • BIO! I wanna butt FLJCK you right now sooooo hard. Stop flaming BIO especially over a forum.....
  • aimology wrote: »
    damn ok i was gone for only a day come back and theres like 10 pages? rofl you people are sad i didnt even read most of the sh1t that was in there but god dam, i only made a new name cuz i wanted a new rep and i dont talk sh1t anymore so if you wanna continue to flame me go ahead, i can care less my haters are my biggest fans thats why the name 'bio' is in all of your heads all day long if u goto work your like omg bios thread blah blah blah nobody ***in cares get a life and i can give a sh1t less about grammar online i got an A in english class sh1ts easy why do i fkn care, lol pz

    no you get a life, nuff said.
  • plz biohaz, stop being all the emo stuff, and being all this drama queen sh1t. Most people on this game are kids. 1. most of them dont care much about you publically apologizing or explaining anything; if they really do have hteir feelings hurt over a internet virtual world then they really need a life. This game is a past time. 2. It takes 2 to tango, im sure ur clan mates did some stupid / d1ckmove for you to make some bad decisions, they dont deserve an apology or an announcement as much as you think they do. Just come back, play as if it was before and everyone will forget it and be happy. Those that cant let it go and joke about it infront of you or behind your back are immature nerdy kids that cant leave behind an internet drama, they arnt worth a cent or even a sentence in this paragraph im writing.

  • iPotatoZ wrote: »
    Getting a proper education is common stuff, you don't pay your due to society just by going to school...

    You pay it witch what you learned in school to make the society progress.

    So if you're 24, you still have a lot to do to, wether it's in your job, getting a family, raising kids, helping others out, you have a ton of other things to do other then just having a couple of degrees, witch is nice btw, but yeah... :)

    And grats on your trophy's... :p

    1 and 4 participants of college will not graduate. Along with the almost 60% of families who cannot actually pay for college. Out of the roughly 40% of kids who can "afford" college, almost 10% choose not to go. That leaves 30% of kids that will attend college. If 16 million students choose to go to college, only 12 million will actually graduate, a percentage that decreases each and every time someone decides to spend another 50 billion dollars on junk, thus increasing the prices of consumer products and taxes in general.

    So yes, you could say I've "payed my dues."
  • plz biohaz, stop being all the emo stuff, and being all this drama queen sh1t. Most people on this game are kids. 1. most of them dont care much about you publically apologizing or explaining anything; if they really do have hteir feelings hurt over a internet virtual world then they really need a life. This game is a past time. 2. It takes 2 to tango, im sure ur clan mates did some stupid / d1ckmove for you to make some bad decisions, they dont deserve an apology or an announcement as much as you think they do. Just come back, play as if it was before and everyone will forget it and be happy. Those that cant let it go and joke about it infront of you or behind your back are immature nerdy kids that cant leave behind an internet drama, they arnt worth a cent or even a sentence in this paragraph im writing.

    i love you more.
  • Segaaa wrote: »
    So yes, you could say I've "payed my dues."

    Yet you still haven't paid me 10k zp..
  • Segaaa wrote: »
    1 and 4 participants of college will not graduate. Along with the almost 60% of families who cannot actually pay for college. Out of the roughly 40% of kids who can "afford" college, almost 10% choose not to go. That leaves 30% of kids that will attend college. If 16 million students choose to go to college, only 12 million will actually graduate, a percentage that decreases each and every time someone decides to spend another 50 billion dollars on junk, thus increasing the prices of consumer products and taxes in general.

    So yes, you could say I've "payed my dues."

    Those are quite sexy statistics, but all I wanted to say is that you can't say you paid anything to the society by just saying you went to school (college), I personally am at University and don't think I've done anything like paying my dues to society. Actually, I don't think I owe **** to society, but still, I didn't give them anything...

    Oh and I don't think paying to go to school is paying your dues, as long as you go to school for yourself...
  • iPotatoZ wrote: »
    Those are quite sexy statistics, but all I wanted to say is that you can't say you paid anything to the society by just saying you went to school (college), I personally am at University and don't think I've done anything like paying my dues to society. Actually, I don't think I owe **** to society, but still, I didn't give them anything...

    Oh and I don't think paying to go to school is paying your dues, as long as you go to school for yourself...
    Graduating from college usually solidifies a good financial gain for your future, meaning you'll be able to give back to society in various ways. Compare that to collecting welfare every month and knowing you're really just a burden to society.
    iiTwAsLucK wrote: »
    Yet you still haven't paid me 10k zp..

  • Segaaa wrote: »
    Graduating from college usually solidifies a good financial gain for your future, meaning you'll be able to give back to society in various ways. Compare that to collecting welfare every month and knowing you're really just a burden to society.

    Indeed, I totally agree. :)
  • Segaaa wrote: »

    I'm guessing that is a "no" >.>

    Hit up "iTwAsLucK" in-game in about 15 minutes for some pub-erific action?