68-7 in Ghost Mode....need proof, lol

So the other day I went 68-7 in Ghost Mode, but my screenshots didn't save (I think it has something to do with me having just reformatted my C drive, which is where the shots save, but not where CF is saved) and I just plain forgot to save the replay.

I'm just posting this on the very off chance someone from that game sees this, and also happened to get a screenie or something, lol. I was really proud of this, and now I have no proof, so yeah. There were plenty of people saying they were reporting me, so I KNOW someone has a replay, lol.

Again, this is just here on the very unlikely chance someone can help me. I'm not trying to gloat in a public place without proof, but hopefully I can get some so I CAN gloat. Thanks.

BTW, my IGN is Squishmyster....
