people, abusing the kik function
i have noticed an increase in the numbers of people being kiked for a lame reason... or no reason at all ...... such as
- people being kiked so someone can take Ace.
- people being kiked for hacking even though there was no proof that they hacked.
- people being kiked because someone does not like them.
- or people just getting kiked for fun...
i myself have been kiked a number of times.... for no reason.... and furthermore.... people are starting to use the report function as a threat... which is extremly wrong...
i have also been threated quite a few times.... and i was wondering if there is any way to remedy the situation...
because reporting one person at a time... seems a little.... well useless.... because they will just make a new account and continue the cycle....
i understand the importance of a kik function.... but a lot of people are starting to use it for the wrong reasons..... again just wondering if there is a way to fix this ....
- people being kiked so someone can take Ace.
- people being kiked for hacking even though there was no proof that they hacked.
- people being kiked because someone does not like them.
- or people just getting kiked for fun...
i myself have been kiked a number of times.... for no reason.... and furthermore.... people are starting to use the report function as a threat... which is extremly wrong...
i have also been threated quite a few times.... and i was wondering if there is any way to remedy the situation...
because reporting one person at a time... seems a little.... well useless.... because they will just make a new account and continue the cycle....
i understand the importance of a kik function.... but a lot of people are starting to use it for the wrong reasons..... again just wondering if there is a way to fix this ....
- people being kiked so someone can take Ace.
- people being kiked for hacking even though there was no proof that they hacked.
I feel your pain on this one, especially on these 2 points. I have seen COUNTLESS times people kicking someone to try and get ACE (and sadly, it frequently works, opposing players will always agree to kick someone who is giving them a heavy beating), and I have also noticed NONSTOP kicking of players who are from all I can gather, simply not hacking, but who are just either 1) having a good game or 2) simply really good players who play alot and have got skills.
One more thing that I experienced recently myself is being kicked by elitists clan players simply cause you weren't a super high rank or whatever. I joined a game, did not fire a single shot, and was kicked within about 15 seconds...
Suffice to say, with the number of young kids who play this game, all of this stuff is sadly inevitable... kids will be kids. Impatience, ignorance and anger is commonplace. -
kik button should be removed. i have been kiked for a
2-26 k/d
said i was hacking
because i was ace
as a ghost hangin out not to be seen
or just point blank better than others
i feel if there is an issue with someone there is a save replay button that tells all with the click of a button need it be hacking or swearing a replay tells the truth
oh i also got kiked because i said i was saving a replay and reporting so is there somthing that can be done all the points ive lost for being kiked id be a general by now its a total bowl of bs -
Exactly..... like me. I only play ghost mode.... so i am really good at ghost mode.... but i can never play a game anymore.... cause as soon as i get over 20 kills i get kiked.... i have not been able to lvl up for a few weeks now..... i am starting to get really annoyed.. but i mean what are you going to do.... kids will be kids..... i just wish there was somthing we could do about it....
People also found new aimbot proof. Apparently it's 360 spins. Although there are real ones there, i myself do 360 spins. But i do not aimbot. How do i do 360 spins? Mouse sensitivity at 100%. One quick and strong push on the mouse can turn yourself very quickly. But no one ever listens to me >.<
f1respirits wrote: »People also found new aimbot proof. Apparently it's 360 spins. Although there are real ones there, i myself do 360 spins. But i do not aimbot. How do i do 360 spins? Mouse sensitivity at 100%. One quick and strong push on the mouse can turn yourself very quickly. But no one ever listens to me >.<
I am sorry to argue ur post here but a aimbot 360 spin and a mouse 360 spin is 2 tottaly diffarent spins man u can tell which is which -
I am sorry to argue ur post here but a aimbot 360 spin and a mouse 360 spin is 2 totally different spins man u can tell which is which
i know a hacking spin you twitch and its at an unreal speed i do spins all the time Good mouse and i can spin it fast but a hacking spin is faster and it looks funny trust me youl notest[ well on replays its harder to tell sine replays everything is funny ] -
I agree with LobsterMts.
Same problem was today.I was playing with my friend in G.M as GL.He died from falling and I took his shotgun.I went to pwn BL's from shotgun.Won 1 round and people was telling that I hack.I asked them : Using a shotgun is a hack?
Some much noobbys came from rookie server and telling they are good.They are good , against noobbys like themselves.But against Staff sergants and higher they are not. -
Please keep in mind that the game is not kicking you.
One of your teammate asked for a vote kick and majority of the players in that room wanted you out.
The reason may be legit or lame but who knows.
People QQ "Hac.kers aren't kicked"
People QQ "OMG Noobs kicked me. I was just pro"
I saw [MOD]Goddish getting kicked with "Illegal Program" claim because most of the players in that room were kids, noobs.
Play with your friends, clan or if you find out a good room don't leave it.
This works fine most of the time.
Just 10/6 votes must be changed to 9/7 for a kick. -
Well damn, I tell ya, I am pretty furious right now. I made a new account as a spare and was working to get it to a certain level so I could equip it with K2 and have it at the ready if I ever fancied starting again. So I was in a game and I was obliterating with ease and this dude by the name of "theeboo" initiates a kick on me in the final round of EagleEye while I am pwning him in the race for ACE... about 10 seconds till game is over I am kicked... all cause some little ******* wanted the ACE... this has GOT TO STOP. I was due to rank up too, so annoying.
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