people, abusing the kik function

i have noticed an increase in the numbers of people being kiked for a lame reason... or no reason at all ...... such as

- people being kiked so someone can take Ace.

- people being kiked for hacking even though there was no proof that they hacked.

- people being kiked because someone does not like them.

- or people just getting kiked for fun...

i myself have been kiked a number of times.... for no reason.... and furthermore.... people are starting to use the report function as a threat... which is extremly wrong...

i have also been threated quite a few times.... and i was wondering if there is any way to remedy the situation...

because reporting one person at a time... seems a little.... well useless.... because they will just make a new account and continue the cycle....

i understand the importance of a kik function.... but a lot of people are starting to use it for the wrong reasons..... again just wondering if there is a way to fix this ....
