zp buyers do get banned

so, i resent thread brought this up again. about zp buyers not getting kicked so i thought i would research it.
so i searched the banned list and looked at every players inventory to see how many guns they have, compare to their rank, and then try to determine if they could have earned enough gp to buy their weapons... THIS TOOK A WHILE TO FIND ONE player with more then 1 weapon seance most hackers are low lvl to begin with... even saw a lt who who got banned and only had m16... (i think most people who hack will not waste $$$ cause they think they will be banned...)
any ways...
here is proof.. and i could be wrong FOR SURE, but this player is banned and has to many weapons to have not bought zp... as far as i can tell..(and i might have not calculated correctly.) BESIDES... z8 would lose more money from peed of legit players not buying zp then from kicking the hacks who do.... considering most hacks "prob" dont buy zp in the first place...

PROOF (as far as i can tell) that z8 will banned players who have bought zp.

and yes this player is banned on the list.
