O.O kinky
? lmao i saw a guy hack on BL last night cos i was owning em all XD he said if i didnt get kicked he'd hack and they kepts him for 9 rounds of like instand knifing -.-
Welcome to the CF community where:
IF you're dying a LOT the other team must hack! F11!!!1
IF you get shot while not moving CHAMS!!! F11!!!!
IF you get shot WHILE moving AIMBOT F11!!!!!!! OMFG HACKERRRRR!!
IF you get shot while CROUCH WALKING WTF???? HOW DID U SEE ME HACK??!??!!
IF you get HEADSHOTTED because you are crouching F11!!!! OMG LOL HACKER HS ME!!!!
Yeah. I'm kind of depressed at the future of the human race. We're doomed if these kids are the supposed "future" we have to look forward to. -
Welcome to the CF community where:
IF you're dying a LOT the other team must hack! F11!!!1
IF you get shot while not moving CHAMS!!! F11!!!!
IF you get shot WHILE moving AIMBOT F11!!!!!!! OMFG HACKERRRRR!!
IF you get shot while CROUCH WALKING WTF???? HOW DID U SEE ME HACK??!??!!
IF you get HEADSHOTTED because you are crouching F11!!!! OMG LOL HACKER HS ME!!!!
Yeah. I'm kind of depressed at the future of the human race. We're doomed if these kids are the supposed "future" we have to look forward to.
lol stick to rule 1
rule 1 if someone kills you they hack.
and yeah it sucks that gamers now are little kids that rage the hell out of them selfs if they died, hell i saw a silver bar saying some guy was hacking .
its just saddening -
Welcome to the CF community where:
IF you're dying a LOT the other team must hack! F11!!!1
IF you get shot while not moving CHAMS!!! F11!!!!
IF you get shot WHILE moving AIMBOT F11!!!!!!! OMFG HACKERRRRR!!
IF you get shot while CROUCH WALKING WTF???? HOW DID U SEE ME HACK??!??!!
IF you get HEADSHOTTED because you are crouching F11!!!! OMG LOL HACKER HS ME!!!!
Yeah. I'm kind of depressed at the future of the human race. We're doomed if these kids are the supposed "future" we have to look forward to.
HAHA! That's good xD
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