ADS that arent being blocked...(Have viruses)

Look I know this is probably common. But im starting to get ticked off about these sliding pop-up ads.
I dont like how if i want to see a picture someone posted on the forums and this stupid slow F**cking ad just slides up ._. very slowly too...
One of them was a virus. and it almost fcking crashed my computer completly where i couldnt play CF anymore >:O meaning no more moneys for you guys... meaning cf dont get 20+Dollars every month... lol :D
I think these ads should be removed... Anyone going to back me up on this? Cuz I even have AD-Block plus for MozillaFirefox and i got a virus...
So now its personal ._. If it puts a virus in my computer again and crashes it along with others, Crossfire would lose tons of money.(I wont be on the forums much if this keeps up).
Please Z8Games take off the crummy side ads..
Anyone want these ads gone?
I do >.< :mad:
