Screen capture WITH audio...

Ok, I've been trying to get some in game vids for a while already. Replays don't cut it for me, and I regularly report hackers so having on the fly evidence is pretty crutial.

I also need to have audio enabled to be recorded, and that is where I hit snags.

I use a headset, and I want to run sound through the headphone speakers, but I can't record through them. If I enable the headset, it only records from the mic and you get a video of me shooting people to the sound of the keyboard and my neighbors cars coming and going... Unacceptable.

I tried running through the audio mix and the trick where you wire the speaker output to the mic input, but many programs epicly fail to recognise anything to get sound from besides my headset, and few let me pic the input AND output.

Growler Gun-Cam lets me pic output and input, and it seems to work for about half a minute until the audio setting in my control panel switch everything over to the headset and the program fails to record anything.

I can sit there all night running the record and sound tests, come out positive, and then play with nothing captured. When I don't use the headset and run through the speakers it seems to record ok, but that is a problem as I use the headset.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Is there some unknown trick I am missing? Is there a better software I can use? Am I just an idiot?

Why can't I just tell it to play audio through two sources, and record from one! It can't be that simple though, huh?

I can't really post the specs of my sound equipment, but it is the stock Dell sound-card running SoundMAX Digital Audio and the headset is a GigaWear USB stereo headphone/mic.

