|| --> Pick up <-- ||

sLice_ here looking for a small pro clan. It would be nice if the clan was at least 2-3 months old so i can see some dedication from the members.

No more then 35 members as for i hate big clans.

My old account which i forgot by now had a 1.5 Scrim KD and was a 2LT.
I have ventrilo and a mic.
15 years of age

I am looking for a serious clan, one that takes things seriously...practise, scrims, strats w/e

I know a lot about this game since I joined CrossFire and just looking for chill with a few people, have good scrims, possibly even throw in a game with LifeLine and possibly win or lose w/e the case as long as we learn from those mistakes and get better.
I can do a tryout no problem and if you want to contact me another possible way you can add me on xFire
> sliicee

Hope to be playing with someone soon.
