neof lfc


I'm back to CF and searching a team where I can play... Atm Im failing but if I find a team which I can play decently to get used again to CF I will get back my old skills :)
16 years old, mature (sometimes :p), got vent/teamspeak, got mic, scrims a lot, S&D player and I can ace and clutch (I used to before ava...). I'm an ESL and WOGL Player.
IGN: Neof1tzx_
Xfire: neoxpt
Old Teams: Paranoids, Gaming Generation, Serenity, ENERGIE5, teamSera, [K]arma Clan, Phantoms and Executable.
Z8 Profile:

And I just ask one more thing... Don't judge me for the movies I make, that doesn't make me good.

Regards, neof.
