Daze LFC.

Hi, I'am daze you might all know me :/ well here is some info about me.

I'am a mature/semi-skilled player that was a clanhopper and has stopped. I recently joined lSSl i was actually in them for abit until ther main members fell apart and made Concept, i'am a AK/M4 DE user and i'am active, i can play compeitive if you've seen the competitive side of me. I have vent and Mic and i can call/ hold my spot i have some experiance of pugging/scrimming CSS/6 months or more of CF. So if your intrested post here i'am really just looking for a scrim clan that is chill and can do damage. Sorry for not posting link iam to lazy i will get it and post it in like 2 mins.

http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3226310 ;P

