SexyClanClan Open/Recruiting

So yeah we changed our name from DisabLed to this. Originated from Dimentions use of the username "SexyDimDim", then caught on.

We are:

Well-known semi- Competitive Scrim clan (We scrim whenever possible)
Pro Pubstars
Participate in PUGs, Drafts, and Tournaments
Extremely active family-like community, humorous, serious, mature, and chill

What we are looking for:

Age is 15+
Nationality is Either Canadian, American, or most Europeans
Doesn't clan hop, is loyal and participates
Mature but can take jokes
Can follow/call strats, and know all maps inside and out
Atleast a positive KDR, we will try you out if we don't know you
Ventrilo is a requirement, Microphone is highly recommended
Looking for seasoned/experienced players with either past FPS or Scrim Clan experience
Talented players can request to be tried out for tournaments

From now this is invite only, follow the application criteria on our clan site.

Our website:

Join in on the fun today! - D
