Crime.Inc needs more players.Recruiting

I'm Crime.Inc clan leader.Crime.Inc is a clan created on 29.may.2009 with a 2321 current rank.I know it isn't a brilliant clan and that is because we are only two members in Crime.Inc.Courtesy of all players who are not part of any clan and wish to join a decent clan I hope to bring as many members in Crime.Inc.Join Crime.Inc and together we can bring this clan in a top 500 .


Like any leader my conditions for those who want to join are the following :
- Do not cheat / hack
- Be an active player and make at least 5000 EXP per week
- Be respectful
- Be active and help improve the clan
I have a bonus : First of you who made 100 points for my clan will be promoted Lieutenant.
That be said I hope You join Crime.Inc :


Aplly here :
