z8 games i horrible

my main acc was hacked and they wont give me my dam password im so furious i spent money everything i guess z8 games is a piece of **** z8 games should pay suba to take crossfire back


  • You do realize the name of your thread says your horrible for one. Also if you are the rightful owner and you have proof of it you will receive the information to your account. Send in a support ticket with all the info you can, if you have the original email that you made the account with that would be a huge help I am sure.
  • i did do all of that they aint giving it to me they say i need my secret question/answer i dont kno it i made it over 7 months ago i am deathtobe in the game i sent them everything i knew on the account and they still say i cant get it back
  • Do you have the original email that you created the account with? If so go up to forgot password and see if it works from there. Need more help reply back but please don't rage Z8 about it they are trying to do everything they can to make everyone happy but...we all know the saying "you can't please everyone"
  • yes i have original email but forgot password dont work on this website so i have to go threw support
  • If your account got hacked, it was your fault..

    1. May be you set an easy to guess password..
    2. You gave information to an unknown person
    3. May be you shared your password with a friend

    And if you forgot the secret question, that is also your fault...
  • sub a games was better these gm dont help people watch forum many people complain about almost everything . i advise you to quit immediately sooner or later you will be hacked or banned with silly reasons. i totaly agree with you chris
  • As stated we take no responsibility for the security of your own account.

    There are plenty of measures in place to ensure that your account never gets hacked. Not to mention that account hacking generally only happens with the use of malicious software, or careless internet surfing (being phished). With regular use and proper security methods taken your account should never be hacked.

    Firstly we make it clear everywhere, to never give out your password. The account is YOURS and YOURS only. If you give out the password to anyone (including your brother, or cousin or whoever) then you lose the potential ability to play on your account. The fact that a user gives their password out is well beyond our control and we can't do anything about it.

    We also give our users the tools to keep their passwords up to date. When an account is created we ask for a security question for a reason as this answer can only be created by the user and can't be changed. By doing so it doesn't matter what happens to your account, you can always provide the answer to that to get it back.

    If you do not know the answer then we fully can't prove the account was yours. And by giving out accounts or sensitive information we risk security for our own company and for the many other users that play our games.

    Imagine all the people who would try to claim their account was there's if we didn't have a security measure in place.

    We allow you to change your password, and your email, which if you wanted to be absolutely sure about security you would change often to ensure that no one can access your account. Along with not downloading malicious software including hacks, or pirated programs or anything else containing trojans or viruses then you should never have a problem with your account being hacked.

    We are very sorry that you can not fully prove that the account was yours, but these policy's are in place to protect you, and us from future consequences and situations.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »

    We allow you to change your password, and your email, which if you wanted to be absolutely sure about security you would change often to ensure that no one can access your account.


    GM says you can change your password and your email and chris says i can not change my password because at the web site of z8 ( lost password ) section does not work. chriss can not take a new password to his e mail because this option on the web site does not work. chriss is %100 right here. does chriss have to wait for gm's pleasure to recover this option on website to play the game. As you see players are always guilty .
    I advise you to think once again before wasting your money to this game.
  • yes chris is totally right i agree with chris
  • chris thanx for your post i support you my friend
  • the secret question you answered should have had a answer that matched ie first car -chevy
    mothers maiden name smith. these are not my answers just examples secret questions as rule work on your deep memory , such as you always know your social security number so remember apick a secret question that requires NO thought on your part to answer thats why they have them. unless you have all that info on the net no one can hack that. , also change your passwords from time to time and write them down.
  • forget password have to work on website this is a big shame of gm's and z8