Ghost Mode Clan

Hi Guys im probbarly gonna leave my current clan for a ghost mode clan im more of ghost mode then snd and stuff sooo here my link leave your offers

1.i got ventrilo/mic
2.can listen to strats and dont spam while in game or QQ
3.can pinpoint
4.can bhop
5.xfire snowydevil123
6. im a rifler and average at sniping
main guns are : Ak-silver,thompson,xm8 mature and dont fckin rq because we are losing unless u tell me
8.previous clans : LastOtman,TotalChaos,Exercess(now Removed),SigMa,LIQUID,PandaForcez uhh cant think of any mroe @_@
My Profile

Clan Rq.
1.please have ventrilo or any other talking program
2.around 15 or more members
3.Play ghostmode in most scrims but u can still SnD and stuff
hope i find a good gm clan

PS. if u want a tryout pm me please
