Looking for a good clan

This is how i remember LND require me to apply for the clan, hopefully it suits you guys.
  • IGN: EurekaSeven
  • KDR: I don't care about it (if you do here is the link for the profile and as well there is more infomation such my weapons and so on)
  • History: Not really a clan hopper, i like to stay in a serious clan like i did before in LND for 6 months, i'm very loyal so i like to stick to one clan.
  • Skill/Weapon: I'm a sniper, and i think i'm pretty good, If you need more information related to this we can always do a tryout.
  • Goals:Umm i just wanna kill people with other people.
  • Vent/Mic: Yes/Yes
  • Gaming History: I play so many games is hard to count, Umm War Rock, Combat arms, Operation 7, CS:S/CS:1.6, CoDMW1-2, KOS, A.V.A, and so on. I also play a lot of MMORPGs
