how to solve hak problem in ranked games.

I have a little suggestion that may help.
Personally im not curious about ranked and i never played it or wanna play, but to help the others, i thought to
a good way to deal with hakers, and that is remove all prizes for ranked games, i mean temporary or permanent guns and nades, crates ,
anything, all have to be removed, and i bet in short time could be that no haker play ranked anymore. I hope this could may help, good luck.


  • You see, I don't think your Suggestion is that wrong, per se. No Rewards would probably mean that Hackers won't be bothering with ranked nearly as much as they used to.

    However, I'd imagine the same goes for legit players. The only reason most of them seem to have stuck out the constant cheating in Ranked would be because of the promise of permanent rewards.

    Take that away, and yes, you'd kill off cheating, but you'd also kill off ranked itself which already is on life support.

    So I'll have to kindly shake my head and say no to such an endeavor.
  • -1 I do not think this is because most people like ranking for awards as a gift for their fatigue
  • Definitely no because no one would play ranked match, btw i checked you profile, i was curious to see your rank and you don't have one..
  • Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea at all. If they were to do that, nobody would play ranked at all.
  • gonna have to agree with the others. if you remove the rewards from ranked you'll more likely hurt a large part of the legit player base of ranked (which is already lower than it really should be for a mode type that's like that) but you probably still won't get rid of ALL the hackers but it probably would reduce what cost?
    Probably the best thing would be a way to better police it at random times outside of normal office hours, perhaps even just random messages popping into Ranked Match chats stating a GM has entered the room would scare a lot of them out.
    I would also support raising the minimum rank in-game required to play Ranked matches a bit. that won't remove them all but it'll slow down the process of getting new hackers into the matches and probably result in higher ranks risking their more personal accounts instead of relying on a hacker or an alt using a hack to carry them. But that won't stop them all either.

    all in all Ranked needs some attention in quite a few different angles. but probably won't ever see those. it'll just keep on going the way it's been most likely.