I'm playing CF for more than 9 years now, from 2012-2016 I've played competitively on CF EU and stopped due to university - I never stopped playing though.
Since I've been playing a lot of rankeds these days I kind of want to play competitively again. That's why I'm looking for a team to pick me up to compete in EGL or those kind of tournaments.
My IGN on CF NA is bELGIER-, my IGN on EU is VoltiaX[DP] and here is the link to my ESL profile: https://play.eslgaming.com/player/7720483/.
Feel free to comment, add me ingame or write me a private message elsewhere.
Thanks in advance.
I'm playing CF for more than 9 years now, from 2012-2016 I've played competitively on CF EU and stopped due to university - I never stopped playing though.
Since I've been playing a lot of rankeds these days I kind of want to play competitively again. That's why I'm looking for a team to pick me up to compete in EGL or those kind of tournaments.
My IGN on CF NA is bELGIER-, my IGN on EU is VoltiaX[DP] and here is the link to my ESL profile: https://play.eslgaming.com/player/7720483/.
Feel free to comment, add me ingame or write me a private message elsewhere.
Thanks in advance.
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