lft for eglp/eglp qualifier
My team is going into a nice hibernation so Im down to play for any team that needs 1
Also, I got cut by STDx (for the second time) before I even had a chance to get on mumble so clearly I am an offer that you cannot pass up
hmu. Or don't. That's fine too
Also, I got cut by STDx (for the second time) before I even had a chance to get on mumble so clearly I am an offer that you cannot pass up
hmu. Or don't. That's fine too
michealdrkkt wrote: »My team is going into a nice hibernation so Im down to play for any team that needs 1
Also, I got cut by STDx (for the second time) before I even got on mumble so clearly I am an offer that you cannot pass up
hmu. Or don't. That's fine too
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