Banned for driver Amd Radeon

Dear administrator. My name is Denis. I'm 27 years old. I live in Ukraine. I'm your game user. I'm one of not many players who has been playing since the beginning of the project since the beta version and I have been playing for 9 years. I saw how you evolved over the course of 9 years and always supported you but the other day it happened to my account of trouble. After the last update, namely after the 10th I could not log in as my account was banned forever. I wrote in those support and I was told that I was using third-party programs. I immediately realized what they meant, I sent them this program and explained that the program is Rapt. is a reliable source since when installing the AMD Radeon driver this program is automatically downloaded to the computer and helps the game improve performance. I've been using this program for 5 years and never had any problems. And in response they wrote to me that they did not care and they closed the topic without understanding this problem. Why are all the performance improvement programs namely Razer GameBustier Game Fire 6 Pro and so on does not affect the lock, but this program after your patch has become a third-party. I'm sure that I'm an honest player for 9 years of no violations of any reports were not there and then they did me a bad thing and it offended me and my friends and I'm a very famous player. They will not leave it that way. I want to achieve justice. I used to have a problem in 2013, and you made a surrender and restored me and I have written proof from you in the construction. . Sorry for my English since I'm Russian. Sincerely dear Gm Kanadian


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