A Couple Of Suggestions

Dear Forum people and Game Masters (Hope that you check out this thread)

I got a couple of suggestions that needs to be changed,added or to get implemened in the future.

1: Zombie Mode 2 Collection. Me and my friend thought about it together. A nice collection of the permanent weapons from ZM2: (STAR-ELITE,Mech. Crab Claw, Lighting Rod and SWAT-CAMO) It would be a nice addition for the ZM Players and for the others who play ZM2 a lot.

2: Disconnected from host 0-3. I really hate this error! Everytime when you play your game too long or when you played for a few hours and then receive the error by nearly the last round. Does anyone else agree with me on this?

3: ZM2 Permanent too hard to see. I usually don't see it quickly to take a screenshot so I was suggesting if we can get a confetti/or like the black market 'win rare item' confetti when someone is winning something permanant. And maybe someone can tell the winrate of a permanent ZM2 item. I even think that Black Market has more luck then ZM2.

4. Aura behind my character. I hate that so much! I don't like the aura behind mine character. I don't even understand why it got in public games in the first place. I thought it was only if you played Ranked Match.

I hope this is enough information for you guys :)

Leave your thoughts on this thread.
Regards, Snowflake15
