9A91 for coupons
Just please for love of god remove 9A91 camo from 150 coupon slot. Rate of fire is way too fast, recoil does not even exist and it is so damn light like pistol. It feels like you are using some smg and not rifle. It is way OP to be given for free to everyone. Just ask people in CFEU how they liked having this gun in permanent coupon slot. Game is honestly so unplayable and unbalanced with players using this gun. Just nerf it or remove it from 150 coupon slot and show this community that you care just a tiny bit about game balance.
show this community that you care just a tiny bit about game balance.
I agree with your post, these ultra fast fire rate/reload/no recoil guns(9A91,tmp etc) are frustrating some times.
Side note: do you remember how OP the m12s was when they first released it? -
BlaCkeNeD7 wrote: »Side note: do you remember how OP the m12s was when they first released it?
[QUOTE=udica;4541081 Probably the last gun which got some kind of update or nerf, if I remember correctly was KS23 shotgun which had bullets precise like slug bullets. Other than that, I can hardly recall any other balance worthy updates.[/QUOTE]
It was a bug. The KS23 had no recoil or spread when it was released. It had very long range too for a shotgun. Had amazing time with that gun. -
oSasuke*** wrote: »Would be cool if they added KAC-Camo instead of 9a91 but it will get changed in 3 months I guess so it's no big deal. The hype over it will die out eventually, you must be in Uk servers because in NA I seen them used a few times only.
Is it confirmed coupon guns will change every three months? -
Is it confirmed coupon guns will change every three months?'A wrote:Monteiro;4541104']Who says that?
There was a poll on discord from the GMs and most people voted for 3 month periods between coupon weapon changes. I don't know if it will be implemented though.Yeah I remember when M12 was OP, but it was only so strong beacuse back in a day almost everybody did not have bulletproof that is why it was so OP. But it is so sad to see that every gun/map which gets in a game do not get further updates to make it more balanced/viable. It seems like every new gun/map we get is served to us at like final product which does not have any cons and is so perfect that it does not need any further updating. I would rather have like 10 decent SND maps which would be tweaked and updated for few months if not longer, than having bunch or random maps every month which will only get played when there is some event played on these maps. Probably the last gun which got some kind of update or nerf, if I remember correctly was KS23 shotgun which had bullets precise like slug bullets. Other than that, I can hardly recall any other balance worthy updates.
I'm pretty sure that they changed some statistics too. I remember using it back when it was released and when I came back to cf I tried it again and it felt different(not just damagewise). Also I feel like the OG weapons (ak,m4a1) have been nerfed but I'm going with 8 year old memories so I can't say for sure.
Totally agree with you on the maps. There are 10+ maps on almost every mode, and you'll only see a couple being played regularly, while they keep on adding new maps no one is playing. Overall they could reduce the maps by 70% and no one would notice. -
'A wrote:Monteiro;4541104']Who says that?
I don't know, that's what I was asking the person I quoted... :P there are always polls and suggestions of what people want, look at all of the posts about changing the MP shop more often but that doesn't mean it will happen.
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