Remove kicks

this kicks is so annoying kids kicking with out reason they just kicking to make us angry.
i have Suggestion remove kicks from all modes or make another server for high level only +Captain can join this server.


  • -1
    Removing the Kicking System would only work if Hackers were at a small scale. You can take FFA and HHMX as an example of a mode that didn't have a Kick System as a test and the amount of Glitches and Hackers were high on those modes since they knew there was no way they would get taken out of the match unless of an error of course.
    Keeping the Kick System is the only way to keep the game actually fun for most people even if it can be abuse it's just something you gotta deal with.
  • -1
    Removing the Kicking System would only work if Hackers were at a small scale. You can take FFA and HHMX as an example of a mode that didn't have a Kick System as a test and the amount of Glitches and Hackers were high on those modes since they knew there was no way they would get taken out of the match unless of an error of course.
    Keeping the Kick System is the only way to keep the game actually fun for most people even if it can be abuse it's just something you gotta deal with.

    I agree, simply removing the kick system doesn't work. That would only lead too more problems due too hackers. Instead what I would like too see implemented is the following system.

    "Whenever you get kicked it asks you too save the replay and it tells you the name of the person who started the kick" If you feel like this person kicked for no good reason (Maybe he wanted the ACE) then you can submit a ticket and show the replay. Then the support centre would be able too punish that person.
  • yeah
    the Vote kick is make us angry so why u Remove it....!
  • Kick Vote Baaaaad Idea
    Just Remove it
    and anyine hack we will Report Him...!
    So remove it Idea kuz make us angry