How many crates you need to spin to get a zp guns?

I know all about random and luck but still need some number beside that. Thanks


  • at least 150.
    Sometimes 250
    in my case, sometimes 300+
  • I've won in 1 crate a few times. In less than 10 a few times. In 350+ a few times. There is no number.
  • I'd say you've a pretty good chance on winning a permanent weapon from spinning 10000 crates, but no guarantees.

    It's all about luck, there really is no number.
  • Ok don't know if this counts but: I just finished spinning 5,000 Anaconda Adv crates. I won 22. That is, on average, 1 in 227.
  • Depends on the crate. Generally the more expensive the crate the lower the win rates. For example, Noble weapons are notoriously harder to win and i'd say if there's a limited timer on it and it's something like Zodiac or Glorious phoenix or similar it'll have a slighter lower win rate than normal crates. Many people will spin 400 noble crates without winning a permanent from them, hence the Cursed Crate events whenever they release more noble crates. Meanwhile other crates like the regular Razer crate (not the Chroma one) has a pretty good win rate in my experience. I'd say out of all of those i've spun I average 1 out of every 20 crates gets me a win roughly on the regular Razer crates. But an average crate like that costs like 10 crates for 8k or sometimes 30 for 23k ZP....those the average is probably something like 50-80 crates maybe a bit higher in some peoples experience (perhaps as much as 100-150) but i'd say that's roughly the average for a normal ZP crate. Crates like the ones with the anti-Zombie weapons in them are close to that too though i'd say maybe a little lower win rate on them.

    but as's all luck and random. One day you might spin 300 crates and nothing. Another day you might spin 5 and win something. Ultimately the only way to assure wins is to buy, lose, cry and repeat until you win the things you want.

    Bunni wrote:

    Ok don't know if this counts but: I just finished spinning 5,000 Anaconda Adv crates. I won 22. That is, on average, 1 in 227.

    nah that doesn't count cause that's GP. GP crates have a different winrate. I'd say GP ones are much lower than ZP ones because you aren't buying the currency for it and GP is much more available for everyone.
  • [FONT=comic\ sans\ ms]In my case 200+ each time LOL.
    Others win with 1 or 5 xD[/FONT]