Hello my ingame name is G.U.N.Z i live in USA Califronia and am looking for a 5 man team to train with and compete in CFS! i am RUSSIAN and am looking for an all RUSSIAN team, but i am also open to a Mixed team aswell as NA server TEAM! i am 23 years old. Able to train whenever for however long it takes. I deff have alot to bring to the table! and am very confident about winning the TERN.>FACEBOOK<Vadim Gungun> send me a message.
Yeah ...
There's not going to be many skilled players who will match your demographics. The most talented players in this CF version aside from Americans are the Chinese and sometimes Vietnamese and North Africans ... (mainly cause they are significant player bases and live in a region where this version of CF is licensed or don't live in a region where a CF version isn't licensed so they are allowed to competed in CFS here as well)
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