high level only rooms against hackers

It is way too easy for a hacker to make a new account and hack on that low level account. If you report them, they get banned and just make a new account. Members of the opposite team also don't want to kick their hackers, especially when they are losing.
You don't see a lot of high level players hack, mainly very low level players (= new acounts). Isn't it a possibility to create rooms that you can only get into if you are higher than some specified level. They did it in War Rock like 10 years ago and it really did help a lot.


  • The more realistic suggestion is to bring back the rank restrictions on a server (prob uk4) as a whole since they've already done it before.
    IMO the rank required to join the room/server should be captain and above.
    The problem with implementing such measures is that most of the hackers will be playing with new legit players, which might make them either start hacking too, or quit the game altogether, which is bad either way.
  • Yes, that might be a downfall. But not all rooms would be like that, it's just an option. I don't think that in War Rock they implemented it as a counter to hacking, but I just always went to that kind of rooms because there simply were no hackers. People don't like to risk their high level account.
    I posted this because I just started playing again after a few months and my second game had a low level hacker on the other team who was teleporting (looked like he was lagging and all of the sudden he was behind us every round). They would not kick him, I invested 24 minutes in the game and got kicked myself for no reason (I was ace). I just remembered why I stopped playing a few months ago, the problem with hackers is just not getting taken care of and it is frustrating as hell.
    It might not be a perfect solution, but it might be better than what we have now.
  • juygh wrote: »
    It might not be a perfect solution, but it might be better than what we have now.
    Anything would be better than what we have rn..
    Since you've been away for a while let me catch you up a bit.
    Monday through wednesday the game is almost hack free because of discord. There is a page there to report hackers and the GMs usually take immediate action.
    Friday-saturday-sunday is a whole different story. You're lucky if you find only one hacker in the room you joined.
    So if you want to play and don't care about running events, I'd suggest playing during the week.

    Getting back to the topic, there are alot of ways they could cut down on hacking, for example phone verification (obviously a phone number would be valid for only one account), which wouldn't lead to any kind of separation of the playerbase based on ranks. If only they listened to us for once. (The phone verification idea is being suggested year aftr year)
  • [FONT=comic\ sans\ ms]Yesterday i joined in one SND to do my final daily mission.
    After 10 round a hacker joined against, for 4 rounds we kept saying to them kick him, kick him he is cheating...but ofc they didn't kick him.
    On top of that there was a guy who said i will not kick him cause your team is better and we want to win. I said ok.
    I quit and i waited till someone from the other team leave from the game....anyway one left
    i joined again back, i kick voted the cheater and he got kick from the room.
    Immediately that guy started a kick vote for me and he started to insult me cause i kicked the cheater.
    LOL this is our community nowadays sadly.

    Anyway +1 for this, would be good idea.
  • It's a good idea, but for more order in the game it can be better, for me, if only 1-2, max 3 channels in the server were made in this way.
    Ch1: Major or above
    Ch2 (and maybe 3): Second Lieutenant or above
    Ch3/4 to 10: Free