Licensing Issues

Was already posted once but here it goes again ...
I'm not sure if this is the best thread to bring this subject up but after hearing lot's of rumors of a certain player potentially joining up STDX, I've decided to give my thoughts on the issue ...

According to the CFS 2017 NA NF rules in section 1.4., subsection 1.4.2., it states that "Players must legally reside in the respective region where NF takes place." and because the national finals are not hosted in Germany, the team in question I believe cannot participate in future tournaments organized by Smilegate if they are to include this player in their roster. It is implicated in the rule set that "respective region" is referring to the "country" that this version of the game is licensed in via section 1.5., subsection 1.5.1. it states that "Users from region (country) where 2 or more CF are currently being serviced can decide which regional NF tournament they want to participate. Eg) United Kingdom: CFNA and CFEU are being serviced simultaneously." and the only country that CFNA has licensed in Europe is the United Kingdom so therefore only players from United Kingdom are allowed to participate in the north american CFS national finals along with the players from North America ...

Precedent also shows in past GM rulings that a participating CFS NF team here was disqualified because some of the players resided in New Zealand and had to participate in the CFS European national finals instead because Z8Games did not have a license to service the "region" (country) New Zealand ...

Unless the specified player changes his residence (such as moving from Germany to the UK) then he must play in the residence of his region where the CFS national finals are hosted which is CFEU published by GameRage ...


This discussion has been closed.